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Plants & Fungi

Arctic Creeper

  This noxious weed usually grows in extremely cold environments, or at higher elevations where snow tends to accumulate. The leaves of the plant characterized by a pleasant sweet minty flavor, whereas the root is bitter and acidic. The weed is one of an assassin's favorite plants, due to the root's ability to freeze a creature's bloodstream, which leads to a slow and agonizing death. The Artic Creeper is toxic to many unwary travelers, as it is quite easy to consume the root's toxins while enjoying the sweet flavorsome leaves.   Grows in: Arctic, Mountain

Arrow Root

  This unusually elongated plant can stand up to four feet tall, and is very easy to spot due to its distinctive white and brown speckled pattern. The Arrow Root thrives in desert and drought environments, as the plant needs very little water to survive. When diced and boiled in water the plant creates a frothy silver liquid, which is ideal for sharpening and polishing weapons and armor without the use of magic or other means.   Grows in: Desert, Forest, Grasslands

Amanita Cap

  This large mushroom is often found growing in clusters near bodies of water, or around other damp terrain. It has a bold blue stem accompanied by a large red cap, which makes this fungi extremely easy to identify. Professional herbalists often cut the head from the root, as the mushroom has a rare ability to re-grow its cap within a few short weeks.   Grows in: Coastal, Swamp

Basilisk's Breath

  Often referred to as Grey Restraints amongst the nobles of the world, this dark grey vine is only rarely found atop the highest peaks of mountainous regions. It is fabled that this vine is a gift from the gods, as a way to test humanity. Often sold for outrageous sums of gold, Basilisk's Breath can attract unwanted attention to those trying to sell it for profit.   Grows in: Mountain


  The most boring, common plant life found in the wild is this dark brown grass. It has absolutely no remarkable qualities, other than being relatively harmless and its use as basic sustenance when properly prepared. Herbalists do not find this grass very unique, but still tend to collect it as it occupies almost no space in their packs.   Grows in: Most Terrain

Blue Toadshade

  Another common mushroom is this dark blue cap with a yellow striped stem. When disturbed, this mushroom lets off a puff of blue powder. Usually this causes no permanent harm to the surrounding creatures, but it can stain their skin and equipment for a short while. The powder is commonly used to color various inks and dyes. Herbalists usually search for the fungi around small watering holes, where aquatic life often thrives.   Grows in: Coastal, Forest, Swamp

Cactus Juice

  This usually clear liquid can be found within most cacti around the world. It's reasonably difficult to extract, as many cacti are dangerous to work with. Brewers love to use this juice in many recipes, as one of its effects is to delay alcohol intoxication, allowing people to purchase and consume more before it hits them.   Grows in: Desert, Grasslands

Chromus Slime

  This thin slime substance is often observed to flow within water current as if it had a mind of its own. Often times, scientists mistake this slime with mercury, as it has the same consistency and look. When attempting to alter the slime, it reverberates and alters the other plant life it touches instead.   Grows in: Coastal, Underdark

Cosmos Glond

  This uncommon four-leafed plant is notorious for being somewhat difficult to find. This is mostly due to the plant growing about 5 feet underneath the ground, and only peeking out during its final maturity. However, it has an uncanny look of the stars in a night sky amongst its leaves.   Grows in: Coastal, Desert

Devil's Bloodleaf

  Only a few recorded instances of this red and yellow flower exist. This large and bold red leaf can be going back in history to the dawn of humankind. It was once a popular decoration around homes and gardens, but has become one of the rarest plants in the world. It is said to give immense vitality and health to one who can properly prepare the plant.   Grows in: Hills, Swamp, Underdark

Drakus Flower

  This bright red and pale green flower can be found in both temperate and warm environments. It's a natural favorite amongst entertainers, due to the petal’s ability to ignite with a moderate application of friction. This ignition does not cause harm, but instead creates theatrical sparks with the ability to light fires and create warmth.   Grows in: Desert, Grasslands, Mountain

Dried Ephedra

  A bush often found in dry environments, it is thorny and hard to harvest without scratching your skin. It has a distinct dark purple hue when viewed at a distance, but up close it looks black. Herbalists love to use this plant when making healing tonics as it has the odd ability to enhance Wild Sageroot.   Grows in: Desert, Mountain

Elemental Water

  This unique liquid shares properties of the planar realms of the 4 elements. At times you can see rocks floating unnaturally in the middle and at other times you can swear you see fire in the water. This special water can be found in all environments as it is not bound to our physical world’s rules.   Grows in: All Terrains

Emetic Wax

  This thick, white wax is often found seeping out of trees near lush and wet areas. It is commonly used in candle making, as the wax melts and re-hardens rather quickly, yet is strong enough to form delicate shapes. Herbalists use it to control how their tonics enter the body, performing miraculous feats.   Grows in: Forest, Swamp    

Fennel Silk

  Often mistaken for a spider’s web, this white web like plant grows amongst frigid and dark environments. It uses sharp hooked tendrils to help secure the edges of the plant to nearby rocks or plants. Adventurers that are adept in the use of Fennel Silk will recognize the many applications it has for protecting your extremities from harsh-low temperature environments.   Grows in: Arctic, Underdark

Fiend's Ivy

  These long, red thorn-encrusted vines can stretch up to 3 feet long and have sharp thorns that reach up to an inch or two long. It isn’t rare to find blood stains amongst these vines as many animals and adventurers can easily trip or get caught in a bushel of the vines. The vines also seem to have a sentient quality to them as they relax when prey is near, and contract when captured.   Grows in: Arctic, Underdark

Frozen Seedlings

  These small, pea sized pods can be found amongst resilient flowers in very cold environments. Named for their almost frozen appearance, they can be plucked with relative ease and are often used in cold alcoholic drinks. Some assassins have found ways to crush these into a paste and hamper one’s movements.   Grows in: Arctic, Mountain

Harrada Leaf

  This huge yellow leaf can often be found near tree tops in lush environments. It is often cultivated and harvested by gangs or the Thieves Guilds to be sold as a street drug. The potent nature of this addictive substance will cause a brief euphoric state coupled with an increase in a specific attribute; followed by a long recovery period in which the user is extremely weakened in that attribute.   Grows in: Forest

Hyancinth Nectar

  This blue and white thick liquid can be extracted from the Hyancinth’s near somewhat wet areas. This nectar is of high demand and is often used by highly trained guards to counter poisons that evil people attempt to use on them. While it does not cure the mean of poisons, it severely limits its effects.   Grows in: Coastal, Grasslands


  Named for its appearance, this three-pronged blue and black flower is often found in dark and dank environments. When used alone, the thistle has no real beneficial effects. However, skilled alchemists have been able to use highly powerful and natural water to concoct potions that allow them to breath in water.   Grows in: Coastal, Swamp

Ironwood Heart

  This gnarled white seed is commonly found in the nooks of Ironwood Trees. These large seeds pulse with a slow repetitive beat when gripped tightly, often referred to as “Nature’s Heartbeat”. It is said that when cooked or properly prepared by a Herbalist these seeds can increase a beings physical size greatly.   Grows in: Artic, Forest, Hills

Lavender Sprig

  These long stemmed purple-petal flowers can often be found swaying in the wind in huge patches. They are very common amongst green environments and have a distinct sweet smell. However, they taste extremely bitter when eaten.   Grows in: Coastal, Grasslands, Hills

Luminous Cap Dust

  This powder can be shook from the glowing yellow mushrooms often found in extremely dark environments and it keeps an ember-like glow for about a week after extracted. Many Herbalists keep the glowing mushrooms themselves in dark cellars in order to harvest this dust every chance they can.   Grows in: Mountain, Underdark

Mandrake Root

  This tan root has serrated edges all along its body that often cause injury to Herbalists that do not properly know how to handle it. When stripped of its outer skin, the soft tender center can be eaten with relative ease and is often used by Doctors to reduce pain from poison or disease.   Grows in: Most Terrain

Milkweed Seeds

  These small, white translucent seeds can be found when opening up a Milkweed Flower. They are often eaten by children due to their friendly look, but can cause negative digestive effects this way. When crushed up and diluted with other liquid these seeds offer very powerful healing effects.   Grows in: Most Terrain

Mortflesh Powder

  This dark purple powder is often found growing on top of moss in dark, cold environments. This powder is often used as makeup for young men and women to reduce the look of age from their faces. When imbibed with a magical catalyst, the effect is said to be permanent when consumed.   Grows in: Arctic, Underdark

Nighshade Berries

  These light blue berries can be found in small clumped packs among small bushes in lush environments. They can be safely ingested and are often eaten by wild animals for their sweet, but tangy flavor. A skilled Herbalist can enhance the berries natural ability to affect a persons body.   Grows in: Forest, Hills

Primordial Balm

  This thick substance has been observed changing its coloring, almost at will. The balm is unusually warm to the touch, and can seem to retain heat for weeks on end. Herbalists often find this substance growing on rocks in humid environments. The exact rarity of the substance is unknown, as its constantly changing appearance makes it difficult to identify.   Grows in: Mountain, Swamp, Underdark

Quicksilver Lichen

  This silver and grey silky moss can be found growing amongst almost any substance as it seems to ignore environmental standards. Assassins have been able to use this lichen to quickly administer their toxins into the target’s system without any drawbacks. However, this takes some preparation and is often forgotten by common folk.   Grows in: Most Terrain

Radiant Synthseed

  This long black and boat shaped seed emanates a strong yellow glow, and often exerts the smell of flowers. When the seed is cracked open, a person can find a few smaller looking seeds of the same nature. These smaller seeds can often be crushed or blended into mixtures to enhance toxins.   Grows in: Underdark

Rock Vine

  This extremely hardened dark green vine can be found growing in the ground near very old minerals, often seeming to feed off the minerals themselves. At first glance this vine seems completely useless to mortals, but arcane studies have shown this vine to harden a person’s skin significantly if combined with a powerful catalyst.   Grows in: Hills, Mountain

Scillia Beans

  These light brown beans can occasionally be found hanging from Scillia Bushes in dry atmosphere environments. They are often used to enhance flavors in stew and other meals, but have a much stranger effect. At full potency, some of these beans can offer the user the ability to climb steep cliffs and rock faces with ease.   Grows in: Desert, Grasslands

Silver Hibiscus

  This silver-grey plant looks as though it represents madness itself. It often has random patterns and unplanned shapes, but always has a black web-like pattern on it. Although it may look deadly to touch, when prepared properly a Herbalist can unleash a torrent of elemental power representing a breath weapon.   Grows in: Arctic, Underdark

Spineflower Berries

  Often found hanging amongst the bone-like flowers, this white berry can be harvested and crushed to enhance toxins made by scoundrels. However, this effect only applies when introduced directly to the bloodstream. When ingested normally these berries provide little sustenance, but do not harm the person.   Grows in: Desert, Swamp

Tail Leaf

  This very fuzzy, dark green leaf looks like a circle with three thick strands hanging from it. When held, the leaf itself feels as though it is vibrating. It is known that a skilled Herbalist can use these leaves in concoctions to create powerful magical effects to enhance one’s speed.   Grows in: Grasslands, Hills

Verdant Nettle

  With its dark green and yellow speckled mesh, this plant can be easily spotted. It normally grows in forests and can catch a person’s feet when traveling if they do not have proper footing. Alchemists like to use this plant to create tonics that enhance one’s strength and reflexes.   Grows in: Forest


  This dark grey thick root is often found amongst the most extreme environments. It normally grows in either desert or arctic environments and seems to vary in growth rate per root. Herbalists tend to be very careful when they extract this root from the ground, as it seems to defy gravity and want to “fly” away.   Grows in: Arctic, Desert

Wild Sageroot

  The most common ingredient found among doctors and healer’s equipment would be these light pink roots. They measure about 3 to 5 inches in length and have a smooth, fuzzy texture to them. They are used every day by skilled Alchemists and healers to create concoctions of extraordinary healing power.   Grows in: Most Terrain

Wisp Stalks

  This incredibly rare fungi has become something of a fable amongst herbalists. It is reported to have a large bulbous cap growing atop a thin stem, and to normally form in small clusters deep within damp cave environments and forests. The organism is usually a translucent blue, and is rumored to render creatures invisible once consumed.   Grows in: Forest, Underdark

Wrackwort Bulbs

  These huge white bulbs can be found on small yellow mushrooms often found in swamps or wet caverns. The mushroom releases a puff of powder from these bulbs when threatened and it tends to confuse and hinder a person. When harvested successfully, these bulbs can be ground into a paste and imbibed within magical water to diminish the size of a being.   Grows in: Coastal, Swamp

Wyrmtongue Petals

  The assassins, and many Drows, favorite natural ingredient. These jagged red petals can be found growing on Wyrmtongue flowers in almost every terrain. It’s almost as if the world itself is trying to test humanity by letting these flowers grow everywhere. These petals are used as a base for toxins that can offer extremely powerful damage. For this reason, Wyrmtongue is highly illegal, and in many cases punishes owners of this flower with death.   Grows in: Most Terrain


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