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Virion Mosstrap

Virion Mosstrap

Virion Mosstrap was an ex-tribe member of Black Lion tribe. He started travelling to distance himself from the tribe after numerous raids on innocent people for their supplies. Virion set forth to better himself.   Virion met with the Butcherers in the town of Phandalin where he joined forces with Bene and Ranvas to take down Black Spider. After the adventure the group realized they worked well together and decided to travel throughout the Savage Frontier in order to stop the giant rampage.   Virion was a deadly adversary, using his fists as weapons. When not in combat, Virion was cool, calm and reserved often seen meditating and drinking tea during rests.   Virion helped take down Wormblod from the Great Worm Tribe, but ultimately fell while battling the great Remorhaz.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Virion Mosstrap is a large muscular human towering at 6 foot 6 inches (198cm). He has a bald head with mostly well-kept mustache. Virion’s wardrobe is simple, beige trousers and white t-shirts that are muscle fit given his pretty large body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Virion is an ex-tribe member of Black Lion tribe. He wasn't happy about raiding homesteads for food and supplies. What broke the camel’s back, was when he, along with other tribe members went to an unknown burial site, as it wasn't made by other tribes. There was a conflict with another tribe, that was also interested by the site. The aftermath left many of Virion's friends dead. Mosstrap took a strange looking rock with some symbols, as a memorial from the bloodbath. Virion started travelling to distance himself from the tribe.   Virion first travelled north to rethink himself and some time later he met and found his future mentor. This Mentor was a halfling monk who taught him about Way of the Open Hand. Virion was also taught some things about the world to prepare him on his future travels. One of the things Virion got introduced and taught to make was tea, as a way to help him relax and meditate because he was struggling with it.   Eventually Virion started travelling again to explore new places. He planned to help those in need, as it was the least he could to after raiding innocent people when he was part of the tribe.
Current Status
Date of Death
8th of Eleint, 1491 DR
Year of Death
1491 DR
Place of Death
Spine of the World
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 foot 6 in / 198cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "I hit!"
  • "I stun!"


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