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23 Kythorn 1404

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The world of Faerun is also known as "The forgotten realms" as so many civilisations have risen and fallen upon this great continent that more have been forgotten then are recorded. Just when scholars think there work is complete, another few ancient ruins of past civilisations are found.   Faerun has a varied geography: from the frozen North, to the southern deserts. The jungles of Chult, to the Spine of The world mountain range. Great plains, huge marshes, vast enchanted forests and rich cities. And that is just the surface, below it lie vast dungeons, the most famous being "Undermountain", situated below the port city of Waterdeep, the city of splenders itself. And then there is The Underdark, a whole subterranean world, just as large and varied as the surface, complete with its own cities and challenges. The Underdark is said to be the most dangerous place in the material realm, but few ever make it back from there to confirm or deny it, which in itself is regarded as confirmation.   But the world of Faerun was set to change forever..........................

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