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The Bitch Queen, Sea Queen, Queen of the Deeps, the Wavemother

Umberlee isn’t so much widely loved as she is generally feared - a journey to any coastal town will find a temple to the Bitch Queen, or a shrine at the entrance to the docks. In a pantheon of deities who have been slain, resurrected, betrayed, deposed, and imprisoned at one time or another, it is worth noting that none of them have ever dared to strike such a blow against the Wavemother.   A public parade celebrates the breaking of sea-ice with the coming spring. This celebration, called First Tide, sees a procession of flutes and drums lead an animal to the thawing waters and cast it, weighted with a stone, into the water. An animal that survives this ordeal is considered sacred by the faith. Some cities consider this practice barbaric, but it’s preferable to the days when the ritual used people.   The second public event of the Umberlant faith is Stormcall, where a fearful public begs Umberlee to divert an oncoming storm. This ritual’s name implies its second use, when clergy of the faith supplicate the goddess to summon a storm against a ship or harbor.   Despite the church’s often chaotic followers, fear of Umberlee all but guarantees a shrine or temple to the goddess in any coastal city. Cities that rely heavily on the safe passage of merchant's vessels often have more lavish temples to please the Sea Bitch and avoid costly disasters.
Divine Classification
Tempest domain
Chaotic Evil


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