Barthen's Provisions Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Barthen's Provisions

The shelves of this general store stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including backpacks, bedrolls, rope, and rations. Barthen’s doesn’t stock weapons or armor, but characters can purchase other adventuring gear here, with the exception of items that cost more than 25 gp. Characters in need of weapons or armor are directed to the Lionshield Coster. Those looking to buy potions of healing are urged to visit Adabra Gwynn at Umbrage Hill.   The proprietor, Elmar Barthen, is a lean and balding human man of fifty years. He employs a couple of young clerks (Ander and Thistle) who help load and unload wagons, and who wait on customers when Barthen isn’t around.
Shop, Generic
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