Bremen Settlement in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Founded by dwarf prospectors, the sleepy town of Bremen sits on the west bank of Maer Dualdon, at the mouth of the Shaengarne River. Bremen’s harbor has frozen, requiring local fishers to haul their boats across the ice to put them in the lake. Visitors who lack a boat can reach Bremen only by crossing the river, which is mostly frozen over. Targos, Termalaine, and Lonelywood are all visible from the docks on clear days.   If Auril’s everlasting winter has one benefit, it’s that the hardy folk of Bremen are spared the seasonal floods that normally threaten the town in early summer. That’s not to say that the long nights, frigid air, and howling blizzards provide any comfort. They don’t.


Destroyed in the attack of the chardalyn dragon, 7th of Alturiak, 1493 DR.


Bremen sits on the west bank of Maer Dualdon, at the mouth of the Shaengarne River. Bremen’s harbor has frozen, requiring local fishers to haul their boats across the ice to put them in the lake.
Population. 150.   Leader. Speaker Dorbulgruf Shalescar speaks for the townsfolk.   Militia. Bremen can muster up to 25 soldiers.   Heraldry. A gold circle on a white field, with a horizontal blue band extending to the left under the circle, and a flaring blue triangle opening away from the circle on the right. The gold circle represents treasure found in the wake of local floods, the blue band is the Shaengarne River, the blue triangle is Maer Dualdon, and the white field represents snow.   Sacrifice to Auril. Warmth.   Rivals. Lonelywood, Targos, Termalaine.

7th of Alturiak, 1493 DR

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