Dragon's Tail Pub Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Dragon's Tail Pub

The Dragon's Tail Pub is frequented primarily by gamblers and criminals; especially those with ties to the black market. While it was formerly run by Zhentarim spies, it has been under new ownership since the Zhentarim were driven out of town.   The kitchen has a minimal menu consisting of:
  • Roasted Veal and Dried Onions, Tankard of Ale (9 cp)
  • Millet Porridge, Mug of Beer (5 cp)
  • Wheat Bread and Soft Cheese, Mug of Beer (3 cp)

Purpose / Function

The Dragon's Tail Pub serves as both a typical pub and a gambling house.


The pub is a single storey stone-walled building, with a smooth stone floor. It was once a barracks, and has a collection of arms and armor.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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