Erudite Outfitters & Clothiers Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Erudite Outfitters & Clothiers

Seekers and members of the Avowed can buy new robes or have their well-worn clothes mended at this modest exchange.   In 1492 DR, the exchange is managed by Feldmar Bisset III, a Human acolyte of Gond, an expert tailor, and a sericulture hobbyist. He and his family fashioned a place among the Avowed, crafting robes and other garments upon request. Feldmar Bisset III teaches a compulsory class on simple stitching to Adjutants in an effort to reduce the amount of basic patchwork he and his family do to keep the Avowed neatly clothed.   Next to the workshop is an atrium where Feldmar Bisset III indulges his hobby of raising silkworms and harvesting their cocoons to Weave small amounts of the precious cloth.
Shop, Tailor
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