House of the Binder Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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House of the Binder

The House of the Binder can be found at the western end of the Court of Air in Candlekeep. It is run by the scribes of the Avowed and is the place to go if one wants to have copies made of any of the works to be found in the keep's collection.

Purpose / Function

A Seeker can request a copy of any book or scroll in the library, and the work of creating copies is performed by scribes in the House of the Binder. The entire text must be replicated, since the Avowed insist on maintaining the scholarly intent and integrity of the original author.  

Nonmagical Tomes

The copying and binding of a typical book in Candlekeep’s library generally costs 100 gp or so (double for a translated version), though large books incur an additional charge. The manufacture of a facsimile takes weeks or even months for large tomes, so those who desire such a work must commission it in writing, provide payment in advance, and then return to the front gates to pick up the book or pay an additional price to have it delivered.  


A copy of a spellbook costs 50 gp per level of spells contained within it. For example, a spellbook that contains two 3rd-level spells, four 2nd-level spells, and six 1st-level spells (20 spell levels total) costs 1,000 gp to copy over to a new book.  

Works of the Avowed

Each year, Candlekeep releases a small book stamped with the sigil of the library and credited to “The Avowed of Candlekeep.” These limited editions contain short essays, excerpts, and other writings relevant to a particular theme or subject, such as gardening, gemstones, longevity, or transformative curses. They are sold at the keep and by Candlekeep representatives in large cities for between 50 gp and 100 gp per book; speculators often acquire multiple copies in anticipation of a high resale value.
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