House of the Morninglord Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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House of the Morninglord

Located near Bryn Shander’s northeast market square, this modest converted house serves as a gathering place for worshipers of Amaunator, a god of the sun known to take both male and female forms. A retired human adventurer named MIshan runs the shrine and aspires to see the sun regain its rightful place in the sky over Icewind Dale. She calls Amaunator “the Morninglord,” a name that southerners use to describe Lathander, a god of the dawn and rebirth. MIshan views Lathander as a usurper of Amaunator’s light and doesn’t like it when people confuse the two deities.   MIshan rents her attic to a pessimistic rock gnome tinkerer named Copper Knobberknocker, who begrudgingly helps with services and chores. The two argue incessantly. Copper walks around in a fuzzy suit and hood that he made himself; although it’s quite warm, it makes him look like a teddy bear.
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