Kendrick Rielsbarrow Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Kendrick Rielsbarrow

Speaker Kendrick Rielsbarrow

Kendrick was the Speaker of Good Mead until about 2 days ago, when a verbeeg attacked the town as a shipment of famous Honey Mead was being loaded on a dogsled bound for Bryn Shander. Kendrick, a giant of a man in his own right, stood his ground against the verbeeg but didn't fare well. After skewering Kendrick with its spear, the verbeeg grabbed the casks and disappeared whence it came.

A giant of a man, he was recently killed by a verbeeg.

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1460 DR 1493 DR 33 years old
Circumstances of Death
Kendrick was defending the town of Good Mead from a verbeeg attack when the monster skewered him with its spear.
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