Singing Siren Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Singing Siren

The Singing Siren is a rowdy and perilous inn, backed by Aldavius Darkhand’s criminal cartel (the Darkhand Cartel). It is run by Ulfgang Halfhand (a lieutenant in Darkhand’s organization).  


  • Almond Bread and Whey Cheese, Mug of Ale (3 cp)
  • Boiled Pork and Wheat Bread, Tankard of Mead (11 cp)
  • Stewed Whitefish and Dried Artichoke, Tankard of Ale (9 cp)
  • Boiled Mutton and Dried Shallots, Tankard of Bitter (12 cp)
  • Buckwheat Bread and Curd Cheese, Mug of Beer (3 cp)


The inn is a two-storey stone-walled building, with a black tile roof. A collection of tankards from many lands sits upon a shelf. Accomodations consist of several small rooms with wooden cots.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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