Spouting Fish Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Spouting Fish

The Spouting Fish is a quiet inn that is favoured by sailors and merchants. It has been under new management since the previous owner, Yhelsed Cablehand, was ousted as a Zhentarim spy. Of late, the street outside has become crowded with beggars who harrass patrons as they come and go.   The inkeep is a thin female halfling named Sybeatr. She knows a few simple spells for housekeeping.  


  • Smoked Partridge and Pinenut Bread, Tankard of Mead (11 cp)
  • Stewed Cabbage, Mug of Cider (3 cp)
  • Vegetable Stew, Mug of Cider (3 cp)
  • Barley Porridge, Mug of Perry (2 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Dried Artichoke, Tankard of Ale (10 cp)


The inn is a single storey timber and brick building, with well-made wooden tables and chairs. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and straw mattresses.
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