The Fox's Armoury Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Fox's Armoury

The shopkeeper is an old female halfling named Eryn Fox. She has a young daughter, Prosy who idolizes adventurers.  


The shop currently has the following inventory, which is exceptionally rare and valuable as almost all of it is from Fritzz' shadow-imbued wares.   +1 Armor (hide) (rare, dmg 152) This ornate armor is said to grant its wearer immortal life.   +1 Armor (padded) (rare, dmg 152) A masterwork armor, engraved with runes of invulnerability.   Armor of Resistance (studded leather, thunder) (rare, dmg 152) This finely crafted armor is said to protect its wearer from the gaze of a basilisk.   Glamoured Studded Leather (rare, dmg 172) A distinctive armor, engraved with runes of invulnerability.

Purpose / Function

The Fox's Armoury crafts and sells metallic weapons and armour of various types.


The shop is a two-storey half-timbered building, with dwarf-wrought iron furnishings. It has several chimneys, each exhaling smoke and fiery sparks.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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