The Vast Geographic Location in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Vast

The Vast was a region in north Faerûn that rested along the north coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars, bounded by the Dragon Reach and River Lis in the west; the Earthspur Mountains, the Gray Forest, and Impiltur in the east; and the Moonsea and Damara in the north. It lay on both sides of the Earthfast Mountains that ran through it. Over its long history, it was home to the orc nation of Vastar for which it was named; the ancient Elf city of Ylraphon, an outpost of Cormanthyr; the brief Dwarf kingdom of Roldilar, the Realm of Glimmering Swords; and a variety of Human city-states—historic Procampur and Tsurlagol, and the newcomers Calaunt, Tantras, and Ravens Bluff, the Living City—some of which gathered into the nation of Vesperin.
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