Tymora's Luck Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Tymora's Luck

Tymora's Luck was a steamship that acted as a mobile casino on the Sea of Fallen Stars. It's home port was Scardale Town and it would take a lazy route through the Sea of Fallen Stars on a nightly basis with both high-stakes games on the upper decks and low-stakes games for the rabble on the lower deck.   Admission onto Tymora's Luck cost only 5sp; however, buy-in was 20gp for the high-stakes tables and 5gp for the low-stakes ones. A buffet ticket cost 5sp, but offered only moderate quality food. Drinks were marked up 25% over market value.
3rd of Nightal, 1494 DR
Vehicle, Ship
Parent Location


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