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Moonlight on the Shore

Moonlight on the Shore (a.k.a. Shore)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The second oldest of six siblings, Shore was born in an inn while they're parents were traveling the continent as tinkerers. Shore spent their early childhood in the caravan with their parents, picking up gnomish from one of the fellow tinkerers, before their parents decided to return to the jungle when they were six. They grew up surrounded by clan members who passed on the stories and adventures they had collected over the years. Due to this Shore knew they wanted to be an adventurer from a very young age, wanting to gather stories and adventures of their own. Even when traveling, they make it a habit to write to their family members about the adventures they've been on, promising more detail once they return.   At age 23, Shore has spent most of their life following their curiosity wherever it may lead them, not matter what type of trouble it lands them in. While sometimes this lead to good fortune, as they learned dwarvish and undercommon while working as a researcher, sometimes it lead to misfortune as well. One such incident was when they ran afoul of a halfling rogue, an incident that lead to them acquiring a black pirate flag with a dragon skull and cross bones. While they're still not exactly sure what they did to incur the wrath of the halfling but they know it involves a bet he lost, something to do with his father, and a failed pirate adventure.   Currently, they are traveling the continent trying to compile a bestiary on all the creatures that call it home. There's nothing they like more than a good mystery and they often end up getting distracted by something new and shiny. They detest anyone who tries to put a limit on knowledge, believing there should be no reason that any knowledge is forbidden. This has, of course, gotten them into trouble before, as they are more likely to try and take notes about a hostile creature than actually run. A great mediator, they believe in listening to both sides of the argument before coming to a decision. Sadly, this does not extend to arguments about spending money, especially if they're spending the money to get a story from someone. Like many of their race, they are often willing to bankrupt themself following after a story.

Gender Identity

Non-binary, honestly can't be bothered with the concept of gender.


The temple they studied at doubled as a brewery and the smell of ale still reminds Shore of home.


Religious Views

A follower of Tymora Shore believes that their innate curiosity is a blessing from them. Thus, the best way to worship is to satisfy said curiosity, no matter how much trouble it gets them into.


Their tail often gives away their current mood, not matter how hard they try to control it. When trying to trick people they often tuck their tail out of sight so it doesn't give them away.

A Tabaxi of the Rumbling River clan, Shore became an adventure to satisfy their insatiable curiosity. Constantly switching between interests, their current goal is to collect and compile information on the various creatures that call this realm home.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
19th of Marpenoth
Dark Red (jaguar spots)
100 lbs
Known Languages
Common Undercommon Dwarvish Gnomish

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