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Cold Fronts

General Summary

The week began in a small crevice dug out by Kobolds, located in the side of the mountain, while the group was hiding from battling giants outside. The walls and ceiling shook with the tremors of the massive beings slamming into the peaks. Rubble and dust fell from the ceiling. The group dug out a path into the deeper tunnels and went inside to stay warm and seek a safe place to rest, after Melech exhausted himself on the cold slide of ice blocking the path. following the tunnels they came to a massive Hall, frozen from a source unknown, condensation frosted on the walls. The Once Dwarven Delve was now in ruins, pillars colapsed, sealed in ice. The furniture was missing or destroyed and any source of light was gone. The light of the drift globe sparkled and reflected off surfaces that glinted out of sight. Even Shadran could not see the walls or the ceiling. Everyone's breath visible to them as they stepped in following Gortox, through what, he is coming to realize, is his childhood home.

Khram Dathomiir Hollows

Gortox walked the group inside towards the pillars before suddenly being ambushed By a yeti, who leaped out of cover and attacked Shadran. Hugh responded with a massive swing of his hammer, identifying himself as a real threat. Then another, Melech steadied the ponies and moved back, as the Beast turned its gaze on Hugh and paralyzed him with cold and confusion. Then another, Gortox stepped to battle with the third, The first Grabbed Hugh, still paralyzed and ran off with him into the darkness. Soon after Shadran teleported to try and rescue Hugh, and the monster just ran, and ran. Meanwhile another absconded with one of the ponies, while dealing with Melech, but he fled faster then Melech could pursue. and abruptly after, The one fighting Gortox fled into the darkness. The one carrying Hugh, was shocked when Hugh woke up and attacked magically. Nearly dead he hoped to be away as Shadran blasted him from insanely long distance. As the Yeti collapsed, it did so on top of Hugh as they slid to a stop. Directly before Hugh was a burning molten... Imp? It was chained to a shield made of White Dragon scales, like a leash. It and the shield, as well a few others moved forward past Hugh towards the great hall. Hugh slithered out from beneath the Yeti, and called out to the group that there were little white Kolbrins coming. One of the Dragonoid men shushed his as they moved forward behind their shields. Hugh Instructed X to attack one of the little men with a poisoned arrow, which was unsuccessful, and ramifications slayed "X" again. The group of little Dragons approached with Hugh and discussed with the Righteous Might. They told the group that they must speak with the Master, Cryo, or Cryoveiaturace , The White Menace. The kobolds Identified as the Khram Cryo Clan.

Cryoveiaturace , The White Menace

As the group was lead through massive halls, and pass the once throne of the Delve, They crossed through some dug tunnels and across bridges over huge caverns over the mines below. It continued to get mysteriously colder. Even the presence of a dragon wouldn't do this to an entire Delve. There is something else amiss. once at the Grand frozen chamber they were escorted to The White dragons chamber and roost. Cryoveiaturace , would come out after speaking with Shadran some, and a request for him to show himself. He told the Hereos, that he would reward them, if they were to eliminate the Yeti infestation, that they laired in the old training pits. Gortox would Explain This is where they trained Gray Renders for riding in the mountainous region. Gortox is visibly pissed, he continues to mutter nasty comments under his breath. It was aggreged to mend the armor previously pitted and to take them someplace warmed for a restful day and a peaceful night in warmth. While they were resting and collecting fuel to burn in the dwarven residential,, The Kobolds would bring them fuel stone, from the forges, and a couple gifts to fight the Yetis. First was a glass jar of alchemist's fire, and to clay pots containing green ooze. The group would set to rest for the remainder of the day and through the night.

Character(s) interacted with

Cryoveiaturace The White Menace
Noose the Kobold Lieutenant
Report Date
23 Dec 2023