BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


General Summary

As a chime noise rings through the corridors, Gortox explains "It's the receiving circle, some one is coming"
Continuing to ring, the group made their way best as Noose could bring them, until he found himself somewhere he recognized. He lead the group back, across the chasms and along the rim trails, deep beneath the mountain's surface. The caves narrowed and shallowed as the group went past paths leading to the forges and the mines, though caves that would lead back to the residential halls and homes. The temprature slowly dropping as the group neared back to the Delve of Khram Dathomiir. Once inside the grand hall, Noose would lead them towards the back, to a chamber behind the once throne. Inside the chamber a rim path spiraled around the wall towards upper levels. In the center a podium like center stone, surrounded by an embossed artistic pattern that spread out from the pillar, in a mountainous pattern, lightly engraved into the ground.
As the Righteous Might came into the chamber fully, a glowing line traced the mountains on the ground forming a circle pattern around it. Once complete a flash of light and two people stood in the ring, a Young looking Elven lady Sorîel Engulfed in the colors of Fall, Yellows and Oranges and Reds, carrying a spear, and some gear. The other a young man, half Elven, a Drow. Stark White hair, lean, with a sword on his hip and a shield strapped to his arm. HIs gear on the ground beside him He stood as they recognized those in front of them. Some banter and discussion between them all explained that Reginald had suggested they go to help The formed Righteous Might, and join them to meet with the Vampire Lord, Von Termmeir.
Almost immediately a group of Kobolds began to attack, trying to catch the party unaware.
After the battle the group conceded they would need a long rest before going against Cryoveiaturace. Tika would lie across the enterance of the Receiving Chamber, and the others would settle down to rest, and discuss what has gone on since their departure.

Character(s) interacted with

Sir Septimus Miller
Dame Sorîel