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Knights in Silver

The Knights in Silver were the army of Silverymoon and it was their duty to patrol and defend the city against orcs and other dangers.   As of 1372 DR, the commander of the Knights in Silver was Sernius Alathar.       History: The Knights in Silver were led by Besnell of Silverymoon, an elven fighter up until his death in the war between Mithral Hall and Menzoberranzan. After the war was won he was replaced by his second in command Terrien Doucard, a half-elf soldier from Silverymoon. Later, Terrien led Stumpet Rakingclaw, the dwarven high priestess of Mithral Hall to save the injured Lady Alustriel higher up on the slopes of Keeper's Dale.
Base of Operations: A dozen Knights in Silver guarded Hawk's Nest, the watchtower near the top of Silverymoon Pass during the months when the road from Silverymoon to Sundabar was in heavy use protecting the road's traffic from monsters and bandits.
The Knights in Silver contributed some of their soldiers to the Army of the North, when the threat of the walking dead appeared before the Silver Marches and the surrounding lands in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.
Special Forces
Relationships: They were aided by many wizards and contingents of Harper agents.