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Menzo what?

General Summary

The group moved on traveling North along the river, traveling in and out of the wooded edge. Galveston and Air Render flew North to catch up with them and inform them of what had been revealed. One of the Captains at Winter Edge was aware of Griffin. A warlock yes, but also a sorcerer. Believed to be in league with Yeenoghu, The lord of the Gnolls and dubbed "The Ruler of Ruin" He was amassing more Gnolls it is thought that he is enslaving Giants, and subjugating Wyverns from the region. There are over 100 gnolls, and he is gathering more. He warned of some giants in the fields ahead of them, and some wyverns are in the area. He then returned to Winter Edge.   As the group neared the Giants, they moved to the rivers front to move, hopefully unnoticed. Gortox's sight lent him to notice the giants were coming to the river themselves, though they weren't obviously aware of the group. A huge door to the Underdark was here, and served as shelter and cover while the giants fished for a few hours just up the river. While inside, Shadran and Hugh sat and rested in the cave, while Gortox watched vigilantly with his blindsight from around the corner. Shadran and Hugh seemed to sit in the hatchlings of a Rust Monster which began to deteriorate the plate they wore. Michael consulted The Codex, to which, to his dismay sapped his soul of goodness, but in trade he is gaining magical power. A dilemma that he must battle with going forward. Shadran had deciphered a word on the stone of the door. Not in his language, but close enough to elven, he made out a word that shook Gortox to his core. Menzoberranzan. The Drow capital of the Underdark. There were other signs as well, but none that stood out like Menzoberranzan.   After leaving the door the group began to hurry north past the giants before they could notice them around. They camped for the night, and Hugh wished Shadran a happy Birthday.   The next day went mostly uneventfully, they moved along the river as they approached the fork. Deciding on which side of the river would be more suitable to travel Melech Identified a Wyvern's nest at the fork in the river. There were also more than a few in the air above. They would choose to stay on the South or East side of the river, and travel through the wooded area to remain hidden from the Wyverns above. There were tracks, not an unusual thing, but something huge, sprawling legs that Melech eventually identified as a single creatures tracks, it looked almost like a walking stick, but infact it was the tracks of some huge spider based creature. A Drider. A centaur like being with the top of a Drow and the giant Spider lower torso. That night while setting up for camp they found that very creature, as well as the tracks of Drow hunting party. Chewed, destroyed, flayed open, eaten. A terrifying sight, a creature unlike anything they had ever seen, and it was mangled like a rag doll. as they settled and prepared to get rest, a deep guttural growl rumbled just a few meters out of sight, near the water. It sounds Huge. It does not sound happy.

Missions/Quests Completed

A whole new world

Character(s) interacted with

Air Render
Report Date
16 Nov 2023
Primary Location