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Quiver me Timbers

General Summary

After traveling a couple more days of travel through the Evergreen forests, The world began to feel more tense. The heroes would continue towards the River, looking for a valid safer place to cross. Along the way "X" Hugh's Familiar Pseudodragon would get sniped while looking for their pursuer. Summoned again, He clearly wasn't pleased, and rather shocked he was sniped. But it wouldnt be the last time.
That night the Righteous Might would be set on again by their assailant. Again sniping "X" as well as Cain, Shadran's Mastiff. almost immediately a massive bear, with a crown of horns, and huge fangs, claws the size of shorts words emerged from the woods and attacked. An almost Etherial voice seeped between the trees, coming almost from everywhere, "Leave this place. You are not welcome here." Hugh would attempt to reason with the "voice" calling for the attacker to reveal herself and discuss the situation. But the Great Bear of the North would attack, and Hugh would meet him for battle.
Arrows shot out of the darkness and began striking our knights. Taking massive damage from very precise shots, Shadran would move to cover and heal himself to remain in the battle, different members of the party would move for cover, Shadran healed Cain, preventing him from death.
The battle went on for about a minute straight with Gortox unable to pin down the location of the sniper, as she seemed to bamf around the perimeter. she slung insults calling the Heroes weak, impotent, worthless, in her ethereal bodiless voice. The bear took Hugh up into his massive mouth nearly severing his shoulder from his person in his mouth, rendering him unconscious, but Shadran blipped across the battlefield in an instant and healed him, with the help of Selune, restoring him to life, and startling the great bear. Fear struck several of the men as they fought off the hulking beast while being preyed upon by the obscured assailant of the woods.
Gortox, shaking the set upon him brought the Glory of Tyr forth and set upon the Bear himself, flanking it with Hugh and Melech, lacing it with arrows, He hacked into it with his Glaive, severing it from the anus to the ribs. as it fell to the ground. That beast was felled, but with eyes darting back and forth around the forest, The Warden seemed to reveal herself. Hugh approached aggressively, stepping over what he now noticed was the dead Bucephalus, Gortox's horse, he approached and swung his great mace, which passed through her immaterial body and smashed into an adjacent tree.
She told them that they must go, and seemed to have little else to say, almost as if she didn't speak common, and only knew a bit, warning them to go and some insults.   The group moved on and set for the night to prepare, for the next day they spent the entirety of the day building a huge raft to bring the ponies and the party across the river, to follow the other branch. They were watched by many of the animals, cautiously from a distance, as they did what men do. Cut down trees and made something else. but it was a success. During the night the group made it accross.
Sadly once again in the middle of the night the group would come under attack, a pack of mixed wolves, dire wolves and a werewolf would beseech them. The battle wasnt difficult but the praty was in recovery from the attack previously. most of the wolves defeated a wolf or two fled, and the werewolf slain, Kolbrin was abdly wounded in a fight with the lycanthrope. If not for his Oath, he would fall victim to its disease. As a creature of Selune, Shadran knows, that would be a horrible thing, for the others would have to put him down if he turned.
Report Date
11 Dec 2023


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