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Ready to Make Way

General Summary

After reuniting with the folk of Silverymoon and their bretheren, the group gets some long needed rest and made a new ally in their quest forward. Ezomir. The following morning after returning the group took to the nearly abandoned streets and looked to make use of the morning, and accomplish some odds and ends, Melech went to check on his armor, Shadran checked on Cain, while Hugh checked on the Orphans. He had made arrangements with Jay Herdnon the Gnome, now head of Zymorvan Mannor, to meet with Stodd, the Stone Giant to rebuild the Manner House and return it to its previous conditions, and once more become a house for homeschooling and progress for lost little children.   Meanwhile Ezomir had traveled hard from the south on a mission, a vision of The Tower of Manaz, and a Vampire Lord and Silverymoon. He had come to join the others on their quest. It wasn't long before he had met the group and with their former Captain and repeated the oath he swore to become a Paladin of Savras. He was given his own room and set up for the night and for the foreseeable future. And much more than this he was granted a boon, a godly gift from Tyr, on accordance with Ezomir's faiths. A boon that would shape the Fate of the party, and even the world.   As the day went on, the group began to seek out the crew of the whisper. They would search the docks along the shore of the river, looking like soldiers or officers, not many would seem to point out the crew of the whisper or her whereabouts. But eventually the group would happen upon the boat they felt fit the description. Immaculate in it's appearance, like it were fresh off the line. Her sails were pure white, and it were clear she were under a spell. Hugh went aboard, in search of life, and was unlucky enough to find none abound. A couple from the next boat over, preparing to set sail on a fishing trip advised they might seek for the crew at the bottom of a bottle. Ezomir asking some of the birds on the dock with an enchanted tongue, one of the gifts of his Patron, was told they went ashore and due North.   The group would walk the road north, and Melech caught sounds of partying going on in the Goat... he slowed to inspect as the others decided to go to Lamps, next to the tower. Melech would snag Ezomir from the group and let the others travel on. Melech encouraged Ezomir to try to get in, for he had discovered an entrance on the north wall, to the lower levels of the rowdy pub, where the noise was emitting from. The guard inside the door opened a little slide hatch, "Oi?" but Ezomir not knowing the passkey could not negotiate entrance.   Further North Hugh and Shadran tried their luck at a bar they were actually known and welcome at. The front door was open and on the bar going over books was the Halfling Adam, with his blue mohawk, sitting on the bar. "downstairs," as he gestured over his sholder. The two would walk through to the back and into the kitchen where they could begin to hear noise coming from the basement. they followed their ears downstairs and around a turn or two, as it grew louder. Wood dripped of slime, and condensation, mold grew on the walls. It was enough to make you second guess drinking at the establishment again. But this is one of the oldest buildings in the town. It had been used by harpers years past. It is rumored that there is somewhere, a passage into the sewers they used to use for underground travels.   They came upon Danny, a Dwarf doorman, who opened the door and let them in. As the door opened the noise grew, there were those playing cards, drinking, smoking, playing dice, and Dani the Elf bar maid, and Tyler, pet heavy in the corner, almost out of sight, but not quite. Linsey The manager of the Bar, a Dwarf with long blonde hair, ushered them over, and offered a game of dice. Shadran was seemingly ready to loose a afew coins, but Hugh stated they were looking for Dick Dawkins and the crew of the Whisper. she told him they were often at the Goat, and to get in there was a password, Cabro. neither knew what it meant but it was "Goat" in undercommon..   The group ventured back to the Dancing Goat and met with Ezomir, who seeming lost Melech in the attempt to enter. Once at the Goat, "Oi?" to which they spoke the word, "cabro" and entered through a little foyer, that drowned out the sound greatly to the outside. In here it was loud, and revelrous. The voice of the crew could be heard singing over the crowd. Our heroes would wait their turn. As they did Hugh spoke with Dick, the first mate, and informed him that he wished to secure passage. Mr Dawkins made it clear that he would need to speak with the captain to make a deal for such a long trip, and that it would go a long way to encourage him, if he were to invite the crew for a meal at the Tower, and entertain them all in their negotiations for passage. An Hugh and Shadran looked to each other and agreed. Dinner would be ready in an hour.   Everyone double timed back to the Tower to begin preparations for the feast, or at least what they could manage in an hour, with desert to be a goodberry pie, that could bake a little longer whilst they ate. Soon the crew arrived, everyone was properly introduced, and the meal was served. banter and quip puns were made, but not at the means of insult, the food was good, and Dick quite impressed with himself that he negotiated a free meal and drinks out of the deal just to woo the captain. Biter ate a goodberry and then took a bight of Cheese, and immediately made a face, sour and disgusted. a goodberry after sharp cheese was like orange juice after brushing your teeth. "that was supposed to be after the cheese" Biter repeated after Melech with disdain. Biter learned a new phrase.   Braiden took into the accounts requested and asked a few detail questions, He then gave them a price, $250 gold. that would be a modest living, with maybe a day or two of lavishness if they wanted. Bread Cheese, fruit, jerky, water and ale or mead. No wine, no spirits, no fresh meat on the regular. The group scraped up what they had in coin and paid it in advance, they had to sell gems and trinkets to folly the remainder. But after the meal was through he cheers to the bargain, and told them they would be ready with supplies to sail at mid day.   Wit that resolved the group went through their nightly rituals, and got there second night of good fulfilling rest. Which lead to morning rituals. Hugh knew that after this morning there would be no more running. It would have to be calisthenics. packed and prepared the group hiked across the middle of town, down to the river front and out to the pier where a crane was lowering a huge crate into the hold from above. The crew was onboard except Cap't Braiden, who stood on the docks giving orders about the loading of things. Biter stood on the crows nest, and Brant was bringing things aboard across the gangplank.   With the goods stored, Braiden Hollared out, "all aboard whos going aboard" and the group made their way across the gangplank and onto the deck. He gve a quick briefing that told them to stay out of the way, they were passengers but the crew would teach them as much as they wanted to learn. terms, knots, procedures, but he implored them they were passengers who paid for this journey, and not obligated to help with anything outside of emergency. some of their training would be to help them understand safety abord the Whisper. what would happen when certain commands were issued. At that he hollered out comands to the crew, "Ready to make way! Load the sail in its rigging!"   "Sail in its rig sir!" call backs went back and forth, as one would expect, "Hoist the main sail!" as the crew hauled the Halyard and the Yard raised on its lines. The sail unfurled as it did. Dick was on the pier as the boat shoved off, and hopped on at the last moment. The boat backed away from the docks and rotated with the current. Eventually the sails caught, and filled, and the ship turned upriver and Eastbound out of the city, sailing past the small island Watchtower, 'Silverguard Isle" The Whisper would sail quietly east and then south, upstream to Everlund, about 50 miles south of Silverymoon.   Along the journey Brant would sit with the crew and teach them about the boat, at least in regards to sailing. He listed the parts of the boat, and the sail, what parts were where and why. the names of the ropes, at least the active ones, actions. When and action was about to take place commands were made and the crew would respond. "prepare to, ready to, then the command." He told Melech who knew a hundred knots, but wasnt fluent in tieing them quickly, that he overcomplicated things. master a couple, 7 to be specific. the same 7 everyone else here used, and then everyone would be on the same page.practice them so he, and any who wanted to learn, would be fluent and could tie the knots when they were under pressure or in an emergency. The group would soak up the sun while they traveled for the hours south, practicing the knots they were shown, watching the shore go by. There was peacful life on the river right now, the River is low, it is the middle of summer animals from the wild came to the shore to drink or eat. The crew sang several songs, quietly, along the trip, more of a hum with melody. The Knights and Guard of Neverwinter had traveled along the side of this river over and over escorting the refugees of their fallen city to Silverymoon. Along the way most local monsterous beings were killed or driven from the lands, now weary to attack the caravans. After a few hours Hugh became stir crazy and began to work on his armor some more, waxing it, as if it were calling to him. It wasn't, it was all in his head. It kept him sane to have order in his days, when there seemed to be none. Dick, who spent a great deal of the day so far below deck, came up with food and water, and took over for each of the crew members as they stopped to eat, Releaveing each, and offering food to everyone, including the Righteous Might.   Not long after the sun began to set on the first day, the crew began to stow things and prepare for minimal crew on deck. twilight came late in the day this time of year, but as it did, as the sunset to the west began to loose its glow, far to the south another glow was visible on the horizon. Everlund was ablaze. It was still a couple hours journey upstream, but it was clear, this was a raging fire that engulfed the whole of the city. The crew came to the deck, whispering among themselves. The Righteous Might debated but concluded they needed to help. They need to figure out HOW before they make it to the city, jumping in will ahve its own perils if they don't know how they are going to act.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Make way

Character(s) interacted with

Captain Braiden, Dick Dawkins, Biter, Poor Brandt, Brod, Stu. The staff of the Lamplighter Inn, Manaz. Bodhisattva.
Report Date
05 Sep 2024
Primary Location