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Enyo Miko

Enyo Miko

Hello!!! My name is Enyo! What's your name? Let's be friends! :D (... a little while later, you notice your wallet is missing.)

Physical Description

Body Features

Fox ears half-hidden by her hair and a long, feathered tail. Digitigrade legs.

Physical quirks

The diamond marking on her chest/breastplate glows when she uses healing magic.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a fox mask on the side of her head. It doesn't have any special properties, but Enyo diligently takes care of it—after all, it was a gift from Everett (who stole it from some travelling merchants...)   The flat metallic diamond-shaped "earrings" she wears are actually attached and cannot be removed. They match the diamond-shaped ornament on her tail that binds the floof.   Likewise, the cloak around her shoulders is also a permanent feature. In most Clarephs, this cloak allows them to glide, but since arriving in Faerun... well, the magic isn't as strong as it was in the Feywilds :(

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Because they are created, not born, Clarephs experience little to no sexual dimorphism, and their gender identity is usually determined purely by aesthetic choice. Enyo has presented as a woman since arriving in Faerun.


Panromantic asexual. Hold hands?


Never received a formal education, although she can read and write just fine. Just don't expect any calculus.

Mental Trauma

Has absolutely no recollection of how she got to Faerun. She remembers that something horrible must've happened to her people, but won't elaborate if pressed for details.

Morality & Philosophy

Enyo has a mildly simplistic worldview. After being taken in by the Thieves' Guild, she adopted a version of their "philosophy". -Never steal from other members of the guild. -Never steal from the poor, those who've paid their guild dues, and anyone you can't run away from. -If you get caught, there is no thieves' guild, and you have absolutely no connection to said guild (because it does not exist.)   She likes to play harmless tricks on people, even when she's not stealing from them. As long as nobody gets hurt, there's no harm in getting a tourist helplessly lost in the city, is there?   ... honestly I'm not sure she even "gets" why stealing is wrong, beyond not stealing from other thieves' guild members (as she was told not to.) In the Feywild, if she wanted something, there's no real reason why she couldn't just take it. In the same way, is there any reason she shouldn't have that lovely silver fiddle? Nobody's using it--it's just sitting there. Instruments are meant to be played, not sit in a display case!

Personality Characteristics


Enyo feels indebted to the Thieves' Guild for taking her in, and is always working to their benefit. ... in truth, though, she just wants to feel like she belongs.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes - Shiny things, such as gold, jewelry, and herself. Seashells! She doesn't live very close to any oceans, so they're just neat to her. Rain... it conceals the sound of your approach >:)   Dislikes - Loud noises >:( Most forms of authority Snow. It's cold!!


Hair remains floofy through the power of Pantene (definitely not sponsored by Wyngchester)


Contacts & Relations

Everett Gray (CN Human Rogue) - An adoptive father figure to Enyo, and a retired adventurer. Due to his age, he mostly organizes heists and other activities from the shadows, but he's still capable of picking plenty of pockets.

Religious Views

Despite being a cleric, she views her god more as a good friend rather than a deity that she should worship.   Clarephs as a whole worship their creator, Asteri, in much the same way, since he tends to interact with their community very directly. She hasn't heard from him in a long time, though--how cruel he must be, to abandon her and her people when they needed him most!   Good thing her violin friend would never abandon her like that.

Wealth & Financial state

She doesn't keep very much of what she steals. A lot of it is "auctioned" back to its rightful owners, and she gets a cut of that; still, it's not like she's very good with money. You can always steal more, can't you? ... she's got like 5gp to her name right now.

A satyrlike creature from the Feywilds who can be generally considered as "up to no good."

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
June 12th
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common - second language Sylvan - first language

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session 0 - things get dicey

met new friends today!! a pixie barbarian named nectarine and a weird sorcerer guy named simon haggled with a guy named thorbin and got a job for 7 gold :D enyo... took a wanted poster of her face down on the way to ashville or whatever woo!!! the ruins south of silverymoon have a temple to some unknown god and they have an underground cavern! full of mimics tho kinda gross on our way we smell.. a wildfire! nearby city of dalery is under attack by goblins!!! we killed 4 of them, but there should be more... 50 more, to be precise. ominous.


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