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Fort Beluarian

Fort Beluarian is a trade fort in northern Chult that was run by The Flaming Fist on behalf of the city-state of Baldur's Gate.      


Fort Beluarian is located on the northern tip of Chult, northeast of Port Nyanzaru and near the eastern shore of the Bay of Chult. It receives supply shipments from the nearby stretch of beach referred to as Beluarian Landing.   The trek from Beluarian Landing to the fort is 14 miles along a well-marked trail. This trail is not patrolled.


  Beluarian Flaming Fist members offered hired adventurers to perform certain tasks to aid their efforts. These included expeditions to hunt the undead in the heart of the jungle and reconnaissance missions to explore remote locations or mysterious happenings.
Also during that time, the fort held monthly jousting tournaments.  


As of the late 14th century DR, the fort was a place of refuge for weary explorers or adventurers as a last resort, at least for a night or two.

By the next century, The Flaming Fist of Fort Beluarian granted charters to any adventurers or explorers who sought to venture into the jungles of Chult. They hired out their mercenaries for the price of one gp for each soldier per tenday.

As of the late 15th century DR, Beluarian Flaming Fist members offered hired adventurers to perform certain tasks to aid their efforts. These included expeditions to hunt the undead in the heart of the jungle and reconnaissance missions to explore remote locations or mysterious happenings.  


The fort is well supplied and well defended against the monsters of the jungle.  


Following the discovery of Maztica in the Year of Maidens, 1361 DR, Duke Eltan, leader of The Flaming Fist mercenary company, was taken by an urge to explore. Among other ventures, he financed an expedition to Chult in Year of the Wave, 1364 DR consisting of three ships and 150 men, led by the officers Beluarion and Nenon. Despite hiring six experienced elven guides to ease their passage in the Chultan jungle, more than half the expedition was lost, including Beluarion. The surviving expedition members founded Fort Beluarian, named for their fallen commander.
Under Nenon's leadership, the fort's garrison took on the local batiri tribes, and otherwise made itself available for hire for any non-evil venture.   Throughout the next century, the fort had been lost twice to native uprisings but was retaken each time. Amn expressed interest in purchasing the fort, but it was suspected their motive was to close it down to drive more trade towards their own colony of Port Nyanzaru, effectively giving them a trade monopoly.   By the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, the fort was still manned and operated by the Flaming Fist, but ownership had ceded to the city of Baldur's Gate itself, and its population had swelled to a thousand inhabitants. In the next few years Liara Portyr took over as commander of the fort, under the direct command of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard.  


The Flaming Fist would hire out its mercenaries from the fort for the right price, provided the task was not evil. In the late 14th century DR, the outpost was home to a small assortment of rangers, wizards, clerics, and rogues and numerous fighters.

By the late 15th century the garrison was served by Castellan Gruta Halsdottir, over 50 Flaming Fist soldiers along with a handful of Lords' Alliance operatives and expert jungle guides sponsored by The Emerald Enclave.  


West Gate   The main entrance is closed by two massive wooden doors with bars that take eight people to slide aside. Because the area is patrolled and the fort has excellent all-round lines of sight, the gates stand open during the day, except when heavy rain restricts visibility and allows the possibility of a sneak attack. The western gatehouse walls are 20 feet high, and the parapets are patrolled day and night by six guards. The walls ringing the rest of the camp are 12 feet high, but they look higher from outside because of the fort’s elevation.   Ore Gate   Despite its name, this secondary gate on the south wall of the fort has nothing to do with ore. It’s a sally port the fort’s defenders can use to launch counterattacks against enemies assailing the main gate. It stays solidly closed and barred most of the time.   Armorer/Weaponsmith   The iron mines of Chult provide everything the garrison needs to make weapons, armor, and metal tools and implements. Korhie Donadrue is the chief armorer for the fort. Having spent years as an adventurer himself before becoming a smith, he enjoys having adventurers and explorers spend time in his work area, swapping tales and sharing news of the world.     Bazaar   A dozen traders live within the fort and manage its bazaar. Soldiers from the fort are only a tiny part of their business. Most of their trade involves selling gear to explorers and supplies to miners. The traders also buy and sell gems, hides, animal parts (feathers, teeth, and so forth), and small animals. Their prices are 50 percent higher than those in the Player’s Handbook, due to the remoteness of the station.   Temple of Helm   Fort dwellers pray to Helm for protection against the dangers of the land. Shilau M’wenye is in charge of the temple and accepts donations. His father was a Chultan priest, and his mother was a Shou mercenary posted in Chult. He always tries to see the best in other people without judging them.   Stables   Horses aren’t native to Chult, and the climate (and its many pests) are hard on the animals. Still, a few Tethyrian members of The Flaming Fist brought their horses to Fort Beluarian with them, and they’re now a part of the culture of the fort. The horses seldom leave the immediate vicinity of the fort; they’re all but useless in the jungle.   The stable has stalls for a dozen horses.   The stablemaster is Thaeven the Bald. He takes excellent care of the animals, to the extent that’s possible in this climate, while complaining constantly about the impossibility of taking proper care of horses in this climate.   Jousting Field   The main reason horses are kept at the fort is for jousting. Tournaments are held once a month, and lesser bouts occur when enough people have time off or when two Flaming Fist members have an issue to settle between them.   Tethyrian soldiers stationed at Fort Beluarian brought their chivalric panoply and pageantry with them, but they’ve combined it with a jungle aesthetic to create something unique. The usual symbols involving falcons, dragons, suns, and so forth give way in Chult to leopard-skin tabards, dinosaur-themed heraldry, helmets shaped like snarling panthers or swooping pteranodons, and armor bedecked with tyrannosaurus teeth and parrot feathers.   Wealthy merchants from Port Nyanzaru sometimes make the journey to attend the jousting tournaments. They camp around the fort in colorful pavilions and place outrageous bets on the outcomes of matches.   Flaming Fist Provisioner

The fort provisioner, or sutler, is a store that serves the soldiers of The Flaming Fist exclusively. It doesn’t have much variety and the prices aren’t great, but some elements of the garrison appreciate its “no civilians allowed” policy. It sells basic necessities during the day and serves food and drink in the evening. The store is run by a sharp-tongued old man named Jaro.   Flaming Fist Barracks   The barracks are the sleeping, eating, and general getting-out-of-the-rain space for the fort’s enlisted garrison.   On particularly stifling nights, many soldiers abandon the barracks and sling hammocks in the guard towers. The breeze atop the walls provides some cooling and relief from insects.   Inner Bailey   This bastion is a fort within a fort. The bailey is 20 feet tall at the peak of the roof, and the attached palisade is 16 feet high, so the whole structure can be seen from outside Fort Beluarian. The gates are always open unless the fort is under attack or patrols have reported unusual amounts of undead in the neighborhood.


  • Fort Beluarian
    Fort Beluarian is a trade fort in northern Chult that was run by the Flaming Fist on behalf of the city-state of Baldur's Gate
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Feb 7, 2021 21:05
