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The Order of the Gauntlet

Many paladins and clerics of Tyr, Helm, Torm, and Hoar have joined the organization, seeing it as—finally!—a way of making common cause against the evils abroad in the world. The Order of the Gauntlet is ready to lash out the moment evil acts, and not a moment before. When evil breaks laws, agreements, or commonly accepted codes of conduct, the Gauntlet strikes hard and fast, without waiting for the blessings of distant temples or the permission of rulers. Evil must be met in the field and smashed, or it will swiftly overcome all.
  The Order of the Gauntlet is a dedicated, tightly knit group of like-minded individuals driven by religious zeal or a finely honed sense of justice. Friendship and camaraderie are important to members of the Order of the Gauntlet, and they share a trust and a bond normally reserved for siblings. Like highly motivated soldiers, members of the Order of the Gauntlet seek to become the best at what they do and look forward to testing their mettle. There are few, if any, “lone wolves” in this organization.  


The Order of the Gauntlet had a number of chapters in various cities located across the western Realms of Faerûn.  


  Members of the Order were staunch comrades, never failing to trust in each other completely. While united, they were highly competitive and strived for excellence in all of their actions.

Notable Members
  • Savra Belabranta: This Tyrran knight was a noblewoman of the storied Belabranta family of Waterdeep.
  • Ontharr Frume: The jovial paladin of Torm headed the Elturel chapter of the order.
  • Sir Baric Nylef: Another champion of Tyr, Sir Baric lived in the far-north city of Bryn Shander.
  • Lanniver Strayl: A well known and highly respected member of the Order and an adherent of Tyr, lived in Neverwinter.
  • Javen Tarmikos: The former member found fault with the Gauntlet and founded the Order of the Gilded Eye.
  • Preceptor Theraclast: An order representative who operated out of the Protector's Enclave district of Neverwinter. Daran Edermath: A formerly active half-elf member of the Order. Retired in Phandalin and started tending an orchard there.


As part of their duties the Order of the Gauntlet remained vigilant against any potential threats to the Realms, standing ready to stop any aggression. When necessary, they investigated potential threats or secretive organizations, and watched over those creatures they saw as inherently evil.
  Belifes:   Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self. Battling evil is an extraordinary task that requires extraordinary strength and bravery. Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil thought is not.
  To be armed, vigilant, and ready to smite evil, enforce justice, and enact retribution. This means identifying evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures, watching over them, and being ready to attack the moment they misbehave. (These are always retributive strikes, never preemptive.)  


The order was clear on its methods of operation, and would never preemptively attack an opponent. They forewent the approval of local leadership when striking against evil. They struck their foes fast and hard, seeking decisive victories. They would never punish someone who had not committed an evil act nor those who merely expressed immoral thoughts.
It was very uncommon to see a lone member of the Order as they almost always traveled in groups.   Members of the order were known to proudly display the holy symbols of their respective deities.

Base of Operations

In the North, the Order of the Gauntlet maintained a strong presence in the city of Neverwinter, several members stationed in Waterdeep, and a representative in the Ten Towns city of Bryn Shander. In the Silver Marches, they maintained a small watchtower near the Silverymoon Pass known as the Hawk's Nest. It was there they bred hippogriffs, that were trained as aerial mounts.

The order was well-represented in the Western Heartlands. In the devout city of Elturel, their chapterhouse operated out of the tavern known as A Pair of Black Antlers. Order members in Baldur's Gate discreetly supported those vigilantes who fought out against lawlessness.   Far south in the land of Chult , the order first settled in Camp Righteous near a Chultan  shrine, until it was taken over by undead creatures. They then established Camp Vengeance further up the river, near the Aldani Basin. The leader of the 50-man expedition was an incompetent nobleman named Niles Breakbone.


When the Cult of the Dragon began amassing vast stockpiles of treasure in the 1480s, the Order of the Gauntlet went to investigate. Working with The Harpers, they tracked a cult shipments across The Sword Coast to learn more about their far-reaching schemes. When the threat of the cult, and the summoning of Tiamat proved to required a coalition of power groups, the Council of Waterdeep was established. The order's delegate to the council was the Tormar paladin of Elturel, Ontharr Frume.

At some point in the late 15th century DR, the order established themselves along the River Soshenstar, so as to rid the jungle of the undead infestation.
Notable Members

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