The Knights Guild Organization in Faetalia | World Anvil

The Knights Guild

The protectors of Faetalia, the Knight’s Guild is an esteemed group of the strongest fairies the island has to offer, all who have pledged to serve Faetalia and all the fairies who inhabit it. These brave warriors are known for their valor, chivalry, and unwavering commitment to doing good for the people, always there to lend a hand or save the day.   The knights of the Guild are highly trained and skilled in combat, and equipped with the finest weapons and armor. Despite this, violently fighting back against foes is always the last resort for solving disputes, and is strongly discouraged amongst the knights. They are deeply committed to their code of honor, which requires them to always act with integrity and respect for others.   When big bads are not of the biggest concern, and they often aren’t, most knights are called upon to aid the communities they serve. They assist those in need, such as the sick, the poor, and just anyone who needs some extra help.  

Royal Guards

The Royal Guards are a distinguished group of knights who have been specially selected by the Guild to serve members of the royal families. They are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the royals they serve, assisting them in duties and tasks, and carrying out whatever is asked of them.   Each royal family has their own respective guards to serve and protect them.  

A Guild Member's Oath

As a Knight of the Guild of Faetalia, I take a solemn pledge to always put the needs of all fairies before my own interests. I vow to always abide by the highest standards of honor, integrity, and bravery, upholding the values of the Guild. I promise to treat all fairies with equal respect and compassion no matter the circumstance, and without discrimination of any kind. I will use my skills, knowledge, and experience to protect and serve all of fairykind with unwavering dedication and perseverance. I will hone my skills for the betterment of the people, always ready to protect, but remembering that violence shall always come second to more peaceful conclusions.   For as long as I shall live, I will remain steadfast in my commitment to the Guild, my fellow Knights, and the people I serve- all of Faetalia.


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