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Corvis the City of Ghost.

Merchants that plied the Black River and Dragon’s Tounge founded the city almost nine hundred years ago, right at the edge of a natural harbor where the rivers meet. These pioneers believed that trade from the rivers would drive the growth of a city, and they were right. They had a rough time of it at first, but soon the city was growing faster than a swamp rat pup. Today about 10,000 people call it home, and more arrive every day. Corvis is an island of civilization in the roughest part of Lower Iboria   Most of the folk in Corvis are human, but ye do see some elvenkind and dwarves passing through. If ye need a smith’s services there’ll be some fine dwarven shops in the armorers ‘bourg. If ye need to find some muscle, there’ll be thugs for hire at the waterfront. There’ll be trouble there for ye too if ye aren’t careful—- the river folk are a tough lot. Keep to the merchant’s ’bourg at night, where the Watch is always close at hand. Corvis has seen folk tougher than you floating in the harbor. Being built in a swamp and such, space is precious, and the folks of Corvis tend to build up rather than across. Down at street level, lost in the persistent mists, are the rough stone structures of Old Corvis. Built on top of them are the elegant spires of New Corvis—-home to the merchant elite. In between are shops and homes of the regular folk, and it’s all connected by a maze of ramps, bridges, canals, and tunnels that would drive even a dwarven engineer mad!   Ye may wish to hire a guide, friend, for you’ll soon find yourself lost without one. Corvis is a maze, and that’s just what you’ll find above ground. The original city, laid down centuries ago, has long since been swallowed by the swamp. It’s now a maze of catacombs, and is home to naught but hooligans… and worse, I hear. If ye have a brain in that knobby head of yours, stay out of the Undercity.   So, are ye wondering why they call Corvis the “City of Ghosts?” They say that Old Corvis is haunted by the ghosts of the first settlers, many who died in the early days. Many folk believe that anyone who drowns in the canals or the harbor is doomed to walk the city for eternity, unable to pass on to the afterlife. The dead are also said to walk about openly in the Undercity, which is one more reason to stay out, if ye ask me. Any way you look at it, there’s nary a soul in Corvis who hasn’t seen a ghost at one time or another—-or so they claim. Stay here long enough, and I wager you’ll see one too.
City of Crovis cover


Author's Notes

Corvis is a city from Privateer Press world book Iron Kingdoms. It is also part of the Witchfire trilogy, which is one of my favorite campaigns. I have made minor change to fit my personal campaign setting and narrative.

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