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Country Summary Place Holder.

This is a place holder of some of the countries with base idea of what they are about and inspiration for that countries' society culture.  Not to much is written in stone as of yet so as a player if you want to add your vision to these location and people base on your background.  

Zesan Dynasty

  • Russian inspired culture of mostly human but a mix of other races. little bit xenophobe two wards goblin races. In war posture with Iboria Empire.
  • Kingdom of House Sleolan

    . A mighty great house of the Wood Elves. Other populations live here but the Wood Elves are the highest population here. With many cities in large ancient tree tops. Those that live here have a close bond with nature. Allies with Iboria Empire and Rivils of House of Aron. Inspired based on welsh and celtic  

    United Hordes of Calin

    is a nomadic people. Why they do have major cities on the coast line. They tend to be raiders. When the hordes fully unified they can be a force to be hard press to stop. They are a mix of people. Where families are social groups of people rather then blood relatives. Some of the best horse riders come from here. Horse are high respect. Inspired based on Mongolia and Darthraki from GOFT.  

    Confederacy of IronFell.

    The monster empire as many humans might call it. Is a mix of goblin and other monsternoid races. There is even a group of Drow who have escaped the clutches of Lolth and wish to restore their elven house. Why Ironfell did have a evil past it actually economic power house under the Kishleg the hobgoblin the current Chancellor. Inspired based on feudal Japan and are keep diplomats establishing embassies in every major country. There is a small group of human who live in Iron feel but they often married or raised by orc or drow. The drow have section of underdark that is are self ruled . They do have one surface city Underhold but is built into a clift side to create shadow during the daylight. The drow here fall under Ironfell as the protectorate.  

    Dragon Hold

    The hold is last dragon kindom of the dragon age and was the hold of Behumat. It is ruled by Ancient Silver Dragon but as a figure head monarch. The dragon born actually rule these lands in government form. It was granted to them as a safe stay after the dragon wars. It has been saving haven for dragons of all types and colors. Tho the most chromatic dragons have choose not to live here, their dragon born however did. Other races live here the main population is Dragons. They are inspired on British culture  

    Covin Dynasty

    is a long and rich family line that have ruled these lands since the age of dragons. Ruling family is sorcerers who have have dragon blood in there viens, from Ithar the impaler a legendary green dragon who lorded over these lands. They are powerful but banner still hold a rampit green dragon on a red field. They are skilled traders but are often not trusted by many other kingdoms due to stories told about Ithar cruel reign. Inspired by mix of Chinese and Aztec cultures.  

    Taiz Guo

    One of the three states created after the kingdom of Guo king died and split his kingdom with his three sons. Inspired by south east asia countries.  

    Principality of Zhen Guo

    One of the three states created after the kingdom of Guo king died and split his kingdom with his three sons. Inspired by south east asia countries. The middle son who was a priest made his state a ran and controlled by the god of knowledge.  

    Quny Guo

    One of the three states created after the kingdom of Guo king died and split his kingdom with his three sons. Inspired by south east asia countries. This is the oldest of the three sons and felt he was cheated out of his right to rule. He is at war with Zhen and Taiz two claim their lands and vows to unite their lands.    

    Free cities

      Suehou, Sining, and Guang are free states that do not belong to any nations. They are powerful city republics that have prevents bigger nations from annexing them.  


    is a human kingdom that know for their music and art. Inspired based on ancient Greece  

    Aristocratic Oligarchy

    . Seven ruling families rule these territories. All working together to bring wealth and influence to there lands. There is a lot of political intrigue of between the ruling families to rise up and down. Two the outside it a cooperative union when benefiting the whole. However with in the territories it a blood bath between the respected houses. Inspired by the shogun period of japan but also by the war of roses.  

    Republic of Vysh

    is a republic in by name only. It ruled by a dictator who hell bent on acquiring more land for his budding empire and feel he liberating lands from the Kilux and Ple's Principalities based on religious freedoms. Inspired based on Impeiral rome  

    House of Nym

    , High elf house. Also inspired on imperil rome. Warfare and magic is the life blood of this nation. Also the export of tarrasque parts As the capital City of Nympor is on the resting grounds of the might tarrasque. They have found away to keep it asleep and harvest it body to make weapon and armor from.  

    Principality of Kilux

    is elven nation that has a directed following with the elven sun god Kilux, which is also another name for Pelor. Think roman catholic style rulership but with Tolken high elf society  


    is a small kingdom inspired by Egypt with tall monuments and fantastic stone work. Mix of human and dwarfs  

    Ple's Principality

    a bizarre religious nation that follow in almost cult like and are very secretive to outsiders. Other faiths are banned in there lands and only the worship of Ple is allowed. The heads of the church rule with a iron fist which is blessed by Ple himself.  

    Riavia Provinces

    is a set of states with a mix of halfing, elves, dwarves and humans. Why there is no direct ruler. There is a council and made of governor of each state. Each state has their own way of appointing the governor and each governor is equal on the council.  

    The Dunland Federation

    the gnomish home land. In the last few years they have been expanding there territories. They have ruled by a dictator and the nation has been heavily militarized in the last 500 years. They are skilled inventors and have created machines of war. Why they are many other races that living in Dunland. They are second tier citizens. Gnomes are held in high regards. Some of the best firearms, cannons and mechinka come from here. They are currently in a liberation war with Royal Domain of Typhos.  

    Royal Domain of Typhos

    Is a royal kingdom ruled by the Gnomish Typhos family. The rulling family is Gnomish the citizens are pretty much any race as long as they swear loyalty to Typhos family. They have been on the losing side of war with Dunland Federation and are trying to get military assistance from Dragon Hold, Riavia Provinces and Vitria. This has conflict has a chance to create another great conflict.  


    Is a small kingdom that has been around since the Age of Dragons. This kingdom has a Queen that rules chosen at the age of 15 by orcials. She will rule until her 25th birthday when her successor is found. Currently the Queen is a 17 year old elven tiefling. She is powerful orcial in her own right.  

    Circle of Erris

    Is a small section of land deep with in the woods of Vitrian woods. This is land held and controlled by secretive druid circle of Erris. Not much is known about them and only work with other druids and the druid oracles of Vitria. Vitria is the protectorate of the Circle of Erris.


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