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History of Fallout

  • 2048

    Mexico invaded by USA
    Military action

    The United States becomes more aggressive in its foreign policy and imposes economic sanctions on Mexico to protect its oil and business interests, citing Mexico's political instability and pollution as excuse. Eventually, the United States military invades Mexico to secure its oil industry and ensure it continues being exported northwards

  • 2052

    26 /6

    United Nations collapses
    Political event

    The United Nations is officially disbanded

  • 2052



    Euro-Middle Eastern War
    Military: War

    The war was a result of Europe's dependence on oil imported from the Middle East. Price hikes made by Middle Eastern exporters led to hostility and then war, following the United States invasion of Mexico in 2051, which had a similar goal of securing exports of oil from Mexico to the United States. The war began in April 2052, immediately causing oil prices to skyrocket and forcing many smaller nations into bankruptcy.   The conflict would only escalate. In December 2053, Tel Aviv was wiped out by a terrorist nuclear weapon.In January 2054, limited nuclear exchanges took place across the Middle East, starting a nuclear scare worldwide.   The conflict would only stop in 2060 when the oil fields in the Middle East ran dry. Both the European Commonwealth and the Middle Eastern powers were reduced to ruin with no victor.

  • 2053

    The New Plague emerges
    Plague / Epidemic

    The New Plague emerges, killing tens of thousands. The United States closes its borders and the first-ever national quarantine is declared.

  • 2059

    The first artificial intelligence is born
    Technological achievement

    The first artificial intelligence is born. Its expansion is quickly halted by memory constraints, but paves the way for future A.I. research.

  • 2060


    European-Middle Eastern War ends
    Military: War

    The European-Middle Eastern War ends. The exhaustion of oil in the Middle East renders the war moot, with both sides reduced to almost complete ruin.

  • 2060


    23 /10 12:00

    European Civil War begins
    Military: War

    The European Commonwealth collapses. Its constituent nations tear each other apart, fighting over the remaining resources. The European Civil War begins

  • 2066

    24 /6

    US close trade talks
    Political event

    The United States ends all trade talks, reserving all oil production for domestic use

  • 2066

    1 /12

    China invades Alaska
    Military: War

    China invades Alaska to seize its oil reserves. The United States declares war in response

  • 2066

    2 /12

    23 /10 9:00

    The Sino-American War
    Military: War

    The Sino-American War was a war involving the People's Republic of China and the United States as the two superpowers clashed in a struggle to control the last remaining resources on Earth. The two key participants and their client states and annexed nations engaged in total war against each other, as both civilian and military resources were harnessed to achieve victory over the other side, in a struggle that was as much about resources as it was about ideology.

  • 2067

    Nuka Cola for all
    Financial Event

    Nuka-Cola machines are on almost every street in the US.

  • 2067

    Power Armor deployed
    Military action

    The first power armor is deployed in Alaska, proving effective against Chinese tanks and troops thanks to its ability to carry heavy weapons. China rushes to create its own, but lags behind.

  • 2069

    US exploits Canadian resources
    Political event

    US exploits Canadian resources extensively, destroying vast stretches of timberland and stretching other resources to the breaking point. Canada is treated as Little America and Canadian protests are ignored.

  • 2072

    3 /6

    USA sends military to annex Canada
    Military action

    US exploitation of Canada causes riots in several Canadian cities. Attempted sabotage of the pipeline provides the justification for annexing Canada.

  • 2074

    USA invades China
    Military: War

    United States forces invade mainland China despite claims of fighting a purely defensive war. Extended supply lines cause the offensive to quickly bog down

  • 2076


    Canadian annexation complete
    Political event

    The annexation of Canada is complete. Canadian protesters are shot without trial, military occupation secures the pipeline, and atrocities commited by the American military fuel domestic unrest.

  • 2077


    Hoover Dam sabotage
    Criminal Activity

    Chinese infiltrators attempt sabotage at Hoover Dam

  • 2077

    10 /1

    China retreats from Alaska
    Military: Battle

    Battle of Anchorage is completed and Chinese forces are removed from Alaska.

  • 2077

    17 /7

    Pittsburgh Union Steel Workers Strike
    Civil action

    The Pittsburgh Union Steel Company triples quotas for its workers to meet the demands of the US for the Sino-American War. This is met with condemnation and plans to strike after the previous quota was barely met.

  • 2077

    27 /8

    Garrahan Miner's Protest
    Civil action

    Miners protest outside Garrahan Estate over working conditions, leading to an altercation with Bill Garrahan.

  • 2077

    11 /10

    Garraham Miner's attacked by owner
    Civil action

    The National Guard attacks the militant miners at Mount Blair to secure the Rockhound for Hornwright. Bill Garrahan joins the attack with his minigun, injuring six miners with his minigun and wipes out all progress towards a peaceful settlement between Garrahan Mining Company and its workers are set back a full week

  • 2077

    22 /10

    US seige Beijing
    Military: War

    United States forces reach the outskirts of Beijing.

  • 2077

    23 /10 07:00

    23 /10 9:00

    Vault 6 Sealed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Vault 6 is sealed and the nuclear holocaust begins

  • 2077

    23 /10 9:00

    23 /10 11:00

    The Great War
    Era beginning/end

    The entire United States is bombarded with nuclear warheads. Automated recording systems are forced offline. Within two hours, human civilization is decimated with nuclear weapons. As America and China launch, so do other nuclear powers.