Cumberland Mall City

After the Great War, the Cumberland Mall became a thriving living community. The once bustling shopping center is now unrecognizable, as it has been adapted to meet the needs of the new residents who call it home. The mall's expansive parking lot has been transformed into a bustling marketplace, where vendors sell everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The central atrium, once filled with luxury stores and high-end boutiques, is now a bustling community center, complete with a makeshift library, classrooms, and meeting spaces.   The mall's larger retail spaces have been repurposed as communal living spaces, where families and individuals residing in small, self-contained apartments. The food court has been transformed into a communal dining hall, where residents gather to share meals and socialize.   The once sterile and artificial environment of the mall has been replaced with a verdant, green space, as the community has worked to create a self-sustaining ecosystem within the mall's walls. Rooftop gardens and aquaponic systems provide fresh produce and protein, while solar panels and wind turbines generate power for the community's needs.   Despite the hardships and challenges faced in the aftermath of the nuclear devastation, the residents of the Cumberland Mall have created a vibrant and thriving community that hints at its past while looking toward a brighter future.
Shopping mall / Commercial Complex


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