Hubris Comics

Best known for their series Grognak the Barbarian, Hubris Comics Publishing produced several lines of comic books starting with their founding in 2021. The fantasy, sword-and-sandal adventures of Grognak sold alongside titles including noir vigilante series Silver Shroud and U.S. propaganda comic Tales from the Front.   As the brand grew, they broadened the scope of their fictional realms. Hubris Publishing expanded to bring their storytelling to radio, television, branded toys, and holotape games. They also collaborated with companies such as Vault-Tec, receiving permission to use branded mascots as characters in their fiction. Despite the popularity of their other titles, Grognak continually dominated the market for all forms of media.  


  Though not as useful as a nuclear shelter or a weaponized industrial laser, the products of Hubris Comics play a vital role across the wastelands. They provide escape from the grueling, half-boring/half-terrifying days of life after the War. Most issues of their comics and games are partially destroyed, but that stops nobody from enjoying them as fully as possible, filling gaps in the story from their own imagination. The few intact copies of any comic, but especially Grognak are treasures to command a hefty price... or a concerted attempt at its theft.
Corporation, Entertainment


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