
Med-Tek Laboratories, a/k/a Med-Tek, a/k/a Medtech (sic) provided bleeding-edge medical technologies in the decades before the Great War, specializing in pharmaceutical research. Their premier products were Mentats and Fixer. Mentats were a line of nootropic smart drugs built to enhance memory and cognitive function but also used recreationally for their impact on creativity. They were also highly addictive. Rumors that Fixer, their line of addiction-curing medications, was developed in response to that trait in Mentats, was never confirmed.   By the 2060s, Med-Tek also invested heavily in a line of self-diagnostic tools so regular citizens could determine what drugs they needed without the intervening influence of a doctor. My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory, and Sympto-Matic were all greeted enthusiastically by test markets, despite some troubling rumors about whether medical science or economics drove the prescription decisions behind those tools.   Finally, later years saw work on a new line of products: bespoke viruses that would target specific populations ranging from gender, to ethnicity, to age, to various genetic markers. By the Great War, this line had not yet seen full production, but its research vault was sealed prior to the first exchange and remains intact.   AFTER THE WAR   In a world where the overwhelming majority of medical experts and information is but a memory, the value of tools to diagnose and treat illnesses or injuries automatically cannot be overstated. Thus, Med-Tek lives on as a constant source of desire, a holy grail of sorts for many communities struggling with plague or nearby hazards.
Corporation, Pharmaceutical


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