
The Knights of the Holy Order of Nuka-Cola find these codes to be of universal importance amongst those that would wish to be called brothers to those that come before them. Let it be known that all those that take these oaths understand that these basic oaths are for all of our Order regardless of sect.
  I hereby swear,   1.) To respect the Glow and maintain its Church
2.) To serve the Nuka-Prime in valour and faith
3.) To serve my Head Knight or Wright in valour and faith
4.) To give succour to widows and orphans
5.) To refrain from the wanton giving of offense
6.) To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
7.) To direct rewards or tribute to the Supply Wright
To those that wish to serve in a martial-oriented capacity, there is the Nuka-Knights. Upon becoming more than an initiate the Nuka-Knight is sworn in by an existing Nuka-Knight and the highest authority available. Only in times of duress is this to be less than a Head Knight. Upon swearing, the oath below the initiate will be marked forever in the rolls of the Knights of the Holy Order of Nuka-Cola their names alongside their brothers forever.     I under the tutelage of <insert name here> have been granted the honour of speaking the oaths of Knighthood. I hereby swear to fight for the welfare of all. I swear to guard the honour of my fellow knights. I swear to protect the weak and defenseless. To obey those placed in authority. And to listen and give counsel to my brothers and sisters.
Finally to those that wish to enter the ranks of Nuka-Wrights the same requirements of an initiate must be met. A sponsor active of retired Nuka-Wright must be present as a mentor and the oath must be given to the highest authority available. Only in times of duress can the oath be given to anyone less than Head Wright.   I under the mentorship of <insert Name here> hereby swear to the following. I swear to uphold the honour of the Knights of the Holy Order of Nuka-Cola. To maintain and upgrade the materials that support the order. To obey those placed in authority. To research the new and strange to make it known. To persevere to the end in any enterprise assigned. To give and take counsel from my brothers and sisters.


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