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The Kingdom of Victoria

The Kingdom of Victoria is a nation of human supremacists that seek to restore order to the wasteland under the rule of their monarchy. Their capital city is built up around the old provincial capital building in Victoria, BC and has some of the few manufacturing facilities in this part of the wasteland, primarily focusing on simpler technologies such as wooden ships, carriages, and muskets (of both the black powder and laser varieties). Under the direction of their new Queen, they seek to expand their influence beyond their small corner of Vancouver Island.
  • Queen Victoria IV - Ruler of the Kingdom of Victoria. Believes it is high time that humanity reclaimed its place in the world.
  • Prince Francis - Husband of Victoria and next in line for the throne.
  • Sir Gustav of Yuvic - Minister of National Development. In charge of improving the industrial and agricultural outputs of the Kingdom.
  • Lady Charlotte of Vancouver - Minister of the Army. Acts as the head general of the Kingdom's military. While not Victorian by birth, Charlotte has proven herself both capable and committed to the Kingdom's cause.


  • New Victoria
    Capital of the Kingdom of Victoria, boasting one of the few functioning ports left in the world.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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