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Ashes of Vancouver Timeline

  • 2059 AD

    US Military Bases In Canada
    Diplomatic action

    The Anchorage Front Line is established to enforce American military presence in Alaska and protect its oil reserves. Canada is pressured into allowing permanent military bases to guard the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline

  • 2066 AD


    Canada Grants US Military Unrestricted Movement
    Diplomatic action

    Canada is pressured by the United States to permit military access for American military units. Its initial reluctance raises tensions, while subsequent agreement sets the stage for the Canadian annexation.

  • 2066 AD

    2077 AD


    Sino-American War
    Military: War

    China invades Alaska to seize its oil reserves. The United States declares war in response.

  • 2069 AD

    Tensions Rise in Canada
    Political event

    US exploits Canadian resources extensively, destroying vast stretches of timberland and stretching other resources to the breaking point. Canada is treated as Little America and Canadian protests are ignored.

  • 2072 AD

    3 /6
    2076 AD


    Annexation of Canada
    Military action

    US exploitation of Canada causes riots in several Canadian cities. Attempted sabotage of the pipeline provides the justification for annexing Canada.   Canadian protesters are shot without trial, military occupation secures the pipeline, and atrocities commited by the American military fuel domestic unrest.

  • 2077 AD

    23 /10 9:00

    The World Ends

    China and the United States deploy their nuclear arsenals against each other, followed by a number of other countries. The world is engulfed in nuclear flames. Few survive.

  • 2077 AD

    23 /10 12:00

    Rangers Rendezvous
    Gathering / Conference

    The leaders of the rangers and a few others rendezvous at Lighthouse Park. They start attempting small scale search and rescue operations in the Vancouver ruins.

  • 2077 AD

    24 /10

    Survivors Hunker Down On Campus
    Population Migration / Travel

    Survivors of the nuclear strikes near Vancouver take shelter on the university campuses around town. While not great at keeping the radiation out, they're better than nothing. Many of these people become ghouls.

  • 2077 AD


    Yubeesee and Fraser are Founded

    The harsh winter forces survivors on both campuses to start building up more infrastructure to survive. City walls are put up and buildings receive makeshift renovations to keep the cold and radiation out.

  • 2078 AD

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    Camp 114 Declares Independence

    Prisoners take control of the camp as the military abandons it. They begin making it more homey.

  • 2078 AD

    24 /5

    The Rangers Are Established

    After months of rescue operations, it fully sets in that nobody is coming to help. The Rangers decide to officially establish themselves as an independent group and start digging in around the lighthouse.

  • 2102 AD

    Vaults Officially Start Opening
    Civil action

    After a 25 year period vaults are meant to receive an all clear signal. Some vaults open earlier, or do not receive this signal due to ongoing experiments.

  • 2106 AD

    20 /5

    New Victoria is Established

    Survivors in the city of Victoria, BC establish a settlement around the provincial capital building.

  • 2107 AD

    Canucksafe Shelters Officially Open
    Civil action

    After a 30 year timer, Canucksafe bunkers are given the all-clear. Most had opened beforehand due to infrastructure issues.

  • 2120 AD

    8 /4

    Bridgeton is Founded

    Survivors from the Kelowna area notice an increase of caravans moving through the area, with the lake bridge being a chokepoint. Many decide to capitalize by setting up shops on the bridge.

  • 2127 AD

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    The Kingdom of Victoria is Established
    Political event

    The people of New Victoria appoint a king to lead them, hoping autocratic rule will keep them safe from the dangers of the wasteland.

  • 2129 AD

    16 /7

    The Republic of Banff is Founded

    After decades of hardship and supply shortages, the town of Banff reorganizes itself into a federal government and sets its sights on expansion. This is slow going as other survivor groups are hesitant to trust them, and traversing the wasteland is a dangerous task.

  • 2162 AD

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    The Master Is Killed
    Life, Death

    The leader of the Unity, a supermutant army, is killed by a vault Dweller in California, saving the world from its master plan.

  • 2218 AD

    The Order of MacStabbens is Founded

    Supermutants take up residence in a castle near New Victoria, vowing to defend the peasantry.

  • 2238 AD

    20 /5

    Victoria IV is Crowned Queen
    Political event

    Queen Victoria IV takes the throne, promising that "true humanity will once again have its place in the sun!"

  • 2242 AD

    The Enclave Oil Rig Is Destroyed
    Military: Battle

    A survivor in California destroys an oil rig being used as by the Enclave, a remnant of the US government, as its headquarters, killing the president.

  • 2246 AD

    15 /9

    Ashes of Vancouver Begins
    Era beginning/end

    What happens from here depends on you. Don't keep the rubble waiting, wastelander.