Dr. Teri Ahkey Character in Fallout: Gulf Wastelad | World Anvil
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Dr. Teri Ahkey


Early Life

Fenton Grey (They/Them) was a born into a poor wasteland family in the Capital Wastes. Their parents were scavengers, mutfruit farmers, and witch doctors for the tribals they lived with. Fenton themself had a knack for medicine, and by age 10, understood the human body better than their parents, and anyone else in the tribe. However, Fenton's methods were controversial amoung the tribals, as they differed from the traditional medicine they practiced. After a particularly heated debate with their parents, Fenton ran away at age 14 to try and find their way in the wastes by themself.
For two years, Fenton moved along the Wastes, looking for a doctor willing to take them under their wing, to no avail. However, they used their skill in medicine to make a small living, functioning as a traveling doctor. As they moved, they taught themself standard Wasteland English (as opposed to their tribe's mix of English and German, developed after over 100 years in near isolation), honed their medical skills, and learned how to survive in the highly irradiated Capital Wasteland. Eventually, Fenton discovered the small farming village of Coryo, where they settled down and become the village's primary doctor.   However, this peace wouldn't last long. Just a few weeks after settling down, the village was raided and burned by Super Mutant. Dozens died, but Fenton wasn't that lucky. The young doctor and a few others were carried off to Vault 87, and exposed to the EEP, in an attempt to create another soldier for the growing army. This process was incredibly painful and nearly killed Fenton. However, the young doctor survived, as a shadow of their former self.  

Post Mutation

The Super Mutant woke up with no memory at all. They couldn't even remember their own name. Unlike many of the other mutants of Vault 87, however, they had no violent urges, no innate desire to kill and maim. After a few days of "conditioning", or being yelled at in crude english by a partiucarly nasty mutant on the best way to butcher humans, they were sent on a raid to a small farming settlement. This new mutant, however, ran away at the first oppurtunity, and fled south.
At first, the Super Mutant stumbled aimlessly, doing their best to avoid any gangs of mutants, or human settlements. They detested their appearence, and thought themself a monster. It took them a long time to even feel worthy of a name. After a while, however, the Mutant decided she was a woman, and took on the name Teri Ahkey, based on a small food packet she found. It took even longer for Teri to try and approach a settlement. The first two, the militia attacked her. In the third, a small farming homestead, they just ran. 
Patching herself up after these incidents helped Teri realize her innate medical skills. Unsure if this was some sort of unlocked premutation memories, or a gift from whatever gods watch over this barren hellscape, Teri saw this as both a way to help people, and a way out of her situation. She could become a doctor, and prove to someone, anyone, that she wasn't a horrifying monster. Maybe she could even convince herself.   Having traveled quite far south east, Teri still had yet to find a village that didn't refuse to open its gates, or worse. Still, she kept searching, determined. In the former Carolinas, she ran into another Super Mutant, the first since she left the Capital Wastes. Although she was worried that this would be another mindless beast, the Mutant hailed her, and introduced herself as Alyss, a pacisiftic wanderer who has been up and down the East Coast.    After talking for a bit, Alyss explained a place that sounded like a haven: The Muck. A swampy region, known for its mixed communities of ghouls, humans, odd Deathclaw like creatures, and even super mutants. To get there however, Teri would have to cross a large strech of territory controled by the Brotherhood of Steel, who would kill her on sight. After the two parted ways, Teri gritted her teeth, and made her way through the dangerous territory, determined to reach the Muck.  


For nearly 18 years, Teri has ran in (and lived out of) the Pharmacy in Gopher, a town built in an old Super Duper Mart. Taking on the mantle of Doctor, Ahkey has tended well to the ailments of Gopher. Recently, she's taken on an apprientance, Sam, a young enby whose passionate about medicine and helping their community. Teri has finally came to terms with her Super Mutant biology. As she once told Sam:   "I did try to cure it once. Spent months worth of caps working on a solution, not to mention all my free time. I tried it, and all it did was make me grow some hair, and give me a nasty cough for a week. Maybe I could have figured it out, given time. But I promised never to do it again. I doubt I'll ever get my memories back, so why should I try to live in that stranger's body? This is who I am. I'm a freak, and I'm proud of it. Plus, I never have to worry about heavy medical equipment."
Current Status
Working at the Pharmacy
Unknown (Around 34)
Short, Whispy, and Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale green, with darker bits around her face
490 lbs

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