Explosives in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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Home Brew
Weapon Name Skill Used Damage Effect Damage Type Fire Range Range Qualities Weight Ammo
M - 79  Grenade Launcher Explosives 6d6 None Physical  0 Long Blast/ Inaccurate/ Two Handed 7 20mm GL
Flashbang Explosives 0 Stun 1 Enegry  0 Long Blast/ Blinding 1 N/A
  MG-42 Light Machine Gun A light machine gun, a precursor to all other squad automatic weapons in service until the bombs fell. Notorious for being called a Buzz-Saw, the MG-42 is more than capable of suppressing enemies at a distance, as well as cutting them down. The weapon is chambered for .308 or 7.62mm cartridges depending on the gunsmith, and what ammunition is plentiful in the area.   Flashbang Used to deter riots, the Flashbang can be applied in a multitude of ways to impede the enemy. Pull the pin, flip the spoon and toss in the direction of your target to temporarily blind or deafen your opponent.

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