Nora in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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Also known as the sole surviver. Nora is a pre-War resident of Sanctuary Hills in 2077.   Background At some point before 2077, she married Nate and had a child, Shaun. She earned a law degree at Suffolk County School of Law and was working as an attorney prior to the war.   On the morning of October 23, 2077, Nate was preparing to go to an event at the Veteran's Hall in Concord. While getting ready, a Vault-Tec representative visits the family with pre-approved admission into Vault 111.   Mere moments later, a news bulletin warns of an imminent nuclear attack, which forces Nate, Nora, and Shaun to rush to the vault prior to a nuclear bomb detonating nearby, leaving their Mister Handy, Codsworth behind at the House of Tomorrow. After entering the vault, the family, alongside the other admitted residents are placed in cryo-sleep under the guise of decontamination before entering the main vault by Vault-Tec scientists.   In 2227, her cryogenic sleep is disturbed by Conrad Kellogg and two Institute agents whose intentions are to acquire Shaun as the 'purest' source of human DNA available.

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