Robobrain in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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“The Robobrain, constructed by General Atomics International before the Great War, is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor.” — Automatron loading screen   Robobrains are a type of robot mentioned in Fallout 4. They physically appear in the game in the add-ons Automatron and Far Harbor. Robobrains can then be encountered in the Commonwealth and on the Island in 2287, respectively.   Background Although they were considered one of the most advanced cyborgs ever created, Robobrains never reached full production status. Persistent problems with aggression and violence even in properly CODE-conditioned Robobrains caused major problems for General Atomics. Until its closure, SAD experimented with developing a new kind of cybernetic brain explicitly designed for use in Robobrains, while RB-2851 focused on manufacturing and iterating on existing solutions. Although the first brains were procured from primates (typically chimpanzees), persistent equipment failure in brain extractors that were incapable of working at an industrial capacity, and flaws in the immature technology used to manufacture Robobrain chassis resulted in a limited trial run. RB-2851 alone managed to complete three batches, with a further two planned. Each batch provided superior upgrades to the robot, including increased energy efficiency, maintaining brain longevity, improved visual cortex connections to enhance motor skills and perception, and tactical combat capabilities.   Units deemed combat-capable were assigned on a provisional basis to select locations across the United States, for security and janitorial duties. These included the Sierra Army Depot VI, Mariposa Military Base, and the West Tek Research Facility on the West Coast and other locations in the East. Some private companies closely affiliated with the government did receive a limited number of completed Robobrains for security purposes, like the Vault-Tec Corporation.   In Automatron, robobrains are the lieutenants of the Mechanist's robot army.   Characteristics Developed by General Atomics International with the assistance of RobCo Industries, the Robobrain was designed from the ground up as a multirole platform for use by military and civilian clients. They are more flexible and powerful than robots due to the fact that their central control and processing unit is an actual brain, rather than an artificial facsimile. Coupled with a robust, all-terrain tracked chassis and powerful armaments, the Robobrain was on the forefront of a new revolution in combat robotics. Unlike in previous Fallout games, the robobrain from Fallout 4 appears to have a built-in eye in front of the brain.   Variants Robobrain The basic variant is the weakest and most common robobrain, with one of the manipulators replaced with a Tesla coil that fires an electrical discharge that arcs between targets. All robobrains are capable of a "mesmetron" attack that looks similar to the blast from a gamma gun. This blast is blue in color, staggers the player character and makes them black out briefly upon contact with the blast. Mesmetron blasts increase in frequency the more difficult the robobrain encountered.   Servomech robobrain An improved version of the basic robobrain, the most notable feature being an increase in health.   Integrated robobrain A stronger and more robust variant of the original robobrain, with increased health pool and damage resistance.   Cybermech robobrain This version of robobrain is the second most powerful variant. Cybermechs come equipped with their standard claw for melee, but an abnormally powerful robot modification, the unstable Gatling laser. Besides this change in weaponry, some kind of robot armor, perhaps primal plates, have been added to reinforce the chassis of the robobrain. This version of robobrain has a 150 point boost in health over the integrated robobrain, and is fully capable of rotating its torso independently of its treads, leaving almost no way to flank it. It may also strafe the player character with its rotating torso and treads, leaving stationary combat ill-advised.   Quantum robobrain The most deadly version of robobrain built by the Mechanist. The Quantum Robobrain has been highly modified with hydraulic armor, making damaging limbs or destruction of the robot nigh impossible without heavy weaponry. Additionally, Quantum Robobrains are capable of tactics such as basic cover systems and high-speed strafing. They are more accurate with their unstable Gatling laser than their Cybermech counterparts, and the frequency of the mesmetron attacks leaves the player character almost completely blind. This foe is cunning, cruel, and leaves almost nowhere to hide from their unending assault.

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