Speclate Island in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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Speclate Island

Current Occupants: Settlers   Spectacle Island is a location and potential settlement in the Commonwealth in 2287.   Background Spectacle Island is an island on the coast southeast of Boston, near Warwick homestead. It was once home to an eccentric millionaire with dreams of his own private island paradise. A mansion was built on the northwest shore of the island.   After the Great War, the original settlers on the island had constructed a basic settlement with a sonar pulse beacon that released a high-pitched sonic pulse capable of repulsing or killing mirelurks. The beacon is represented by a structure similar to a siren or radio antenna connected by a long wire to a partially sunken ship, as the ship's generator room is still operational and provides power for the beacon.   The appearance of a raider on the island suggests the settlers fled or were killed by raiders or mirelurks. The raiders apparently disabled the pulse beacon, and one was killed by either Randy (whose body is found near the raider corpse on the south end of the island) or the mirelurks soon after. Any other raiders looted the area and left, allowing the mirelurks to return.

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