Strong in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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“Milk is secret to humans. Mack Beth say milk make humans strong. Stronger than super mutants. Strong find milk, drink milk. Make super mutants stronger than humans.”   Strong is a super mutant and a possible companion in the Commonwealth in 2287. He can be found locked up in a cell at the top of Trinity Tower along with his teacher, Rex Goodman, where the two have been imprisoned by other super mutants.   Background An average looking super mutant, Strong seeks to find the "milk of human kindness." This is a line from the play Macbeth (Act 1: Scene 5) cited to him by Rex Goodman while trying to teach the super mutants about Shakespeare's plays. Strong seems to have taken this metaphor a bit more literally and believes that if he can find the milk and drink it, it will give super mutants the strength that makes humans successful.   At the time, Strong's super mutant brothers disliked his appeal to Rex's citation of the play, leading him to his incarceration with the latter. Rex states that they were planning to toss him off the Tower, even taking bets on how many times he would bounce.   Strong is proficient with heavy weapons, like missile launchers and miniguns.

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