Vault 95 in Fallout: Year 2290 | World Anvil
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Vault 95

“There's supposed to be a vault somewhere out here... a place called Vault 95. I've heard that Vault-Tec used it for some kinda social experiment... stuck a bunch of junkies inside to poke and prod. Well, they supposedly had some special method to clean up those blokes in there... some kind of a machine or somethin'. If we could get inside, maybe that machine could help me.” — Cait during Benign Intervention   Vault 95 is a Vault-Tec Vault located in the Commonwealth in 2287. It is located at the northeast edge of the Glowing Sea, currently a base of operations for the Gunners.   Background Vault-Tec created Vault 95 as a rehabilitation institute for people who suffered from chem addiction. The overseer position was elected by members of the community, changing yearly on October 30. The elected overseer in 2082 was Jane Myers, tasked with facilitating daily meetings and ensuring other residents adhered to the rules of the Vault-Tec Rehabilitation Program. Residency in the Vault required adherence to the program, regardless if chem dependency was deemed no longer an issue, and the residents were cooperative.   The residents of the Vault progressed through the program for five years, after which a planted Vault-Tec agent masquerading as a fellow resident would open a hidden supply of chems. The agent would thoroughly document the response of the community thereafter. Before doing so, the agent noted that the results of the experiment were thus far successful, writing that although some residents still struggled with withdrawal, the program helped them deal with the symptoms and cope with their new life in the Vault. He continued to record that their hypothesis was correct, in that when there is no other alternative, an individual can recover from addictions.   On October 23, 2082, five years after the Vault had been sealed, he recorded his plans to wait until the populace was asleep and open the stash. He records this thoughts on how isolation and removal of addictive substances have been positive for the residents, and the next portion of the research will shed light on what impact the same substances have on the social structure developed.   The residents' reaction to the revelation of chems immediately destroyed their family-like bonds and devolved into violence, with some residents immediately caving to their urges and others resisting, attempting to hold true to the program.[5] Others realized that the situation was intentional, and recorded their hatred for being deceived and exploited by Vault-Tec.

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