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Tall, lean, pixie cut silver hair,

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Entry 12

Today we decided to go to the bathhouse due to a rumour. I decided I needed more of a pamper. Booking a massage and private bath for myself. I soaked in a bath seasoned beautifully by Tabitha, my attendant. She left me for an hour and came in for my massage. Her hands were very skilled in my very limited opinion. I tried to make small talk for a while but fell into relaxation until a blinding pain in my side.   I felt the poison seep into me and I commanded Tabitha to back the fuck of me and I rose naked and bloody from the table throwing the door open and calling for my bother.   My holy symbol was too far, I stood naked to defend myself and punched her with and inflict wounds. Tabitha pulled another blade and swung it at me. This pain was far worse as I fell into a heap on the ground.   I watched my body, lifeless as Tabitha scooped me up and put me into the bathtub, sliding the table over it to conceal me lifeless now drowning as well as bleeding out body.   My friends arrived, first Mel, who’s own silver tongue was not able to hear the deception in Tabithas voice, then my brother, then Hingle...   LOOK YOU IDOTS! Look at all the water all over the floor, the amount of water from a struggle. LOOK DAMNIT!   Tabitha lies so easily, they leave the room for a moment, I am alone, my spirit and body, clinging to the last of its breath. They return, Hingle casts suggestion for her to show them where I am, but it’s too la...

Entry 11

We immediately jumped into the fray. These demonic creatures let off a disgusting necrotic aura that killed the man almost instantly leaving his son alone. Mel turned herself and the boy invisible. While the rest of us attacked. I tried to only cast things that I could hide as cleric spells, bit Tacitus just called on his holy smite. Damn it Tacitus.   The creatures kept giving us diseases, bit together we managed to kill all.of them. Hingle was having some kind of wild magic issue and weird things kept happening to him and us, and at the end of the fight we all turned invisible. I used this time to cast revivify on the dead man and faked giving him CPR in hopes to disguise my spell. Telling him that he was never stabbed. I don't think he believed me, but seemed more thankful then questionable.   We took off while Mel stayed behind for some crowd control while we escaped. Still strange things kept happening. We had a Hingle kite, and he summoned a noisy clockwork creature that disappeared after a time.   When we got back to the inn the woman urged us to go to the bathhouse looking at Hingle with disgust. We all rested.

Entry 10 Sesson 20

Tacitus wanted to walk back closer to the keep trying to cast locate object for the soil and the Obsidian as we passed by the keep a parade of purifiers past us one of them was Mornhell. I swear she looked right at me, but I do not know if she recognized us. Mel broke into a house that Tacitus felt like he located Obsidian in, but it was not a rock it was a pipe, so she left it.   We continued back to our room as Mel now had many questions about us. When we returned a tall slender man was waiting for us, he looked quite different but felt so familiar. He was the man from the Woods who gave us tasks for questions. We all spoke with him individually and he allowed me to change my question since he could tell that the task weighed too heavily on me. My new question was where is the artifact that Vivi’s parents had and the task that I got for this new question was a creature created by those who lived below called a retriever. I needed to slay it.   As a final task for the evening, we decided to go to the ‘w’hole world Tavern to ask around with the millworkers that frequent there if they've noticed anything strange. Tacitus spoke to a guy named Francis that said Danver has been in good spirits and hasn't been hitting on male employees making them uncomfortable lately. before we could ask anyone anymore questions, we heard screaming from outside when we went to look, we saw several shapes surrounding a man and a boy that looked remarkably like the one dead on the cross.

Entry 10 Session 19

When talking to Edgar and Tad at the stables, they elaborated on the following one of the robberies was a halfling at the rootcutter Seer’s parlor. She had special stones that were stolen that they did not see value in they were not even gems. They also said that they saw a strange beast in the market at night with a blubber like face hunched and large. They also told us that at the bathhouse the girls there are upset because a patron by the name of Derek menden no longer comes there and they do not know why. They also said the Miller was acting weird. As we were leaving a large horse got our attention my brother spoke with that and it said that his name was Weck and he was a human that was turned into a horse by a witch for years he was from a place called heaven risk and was on a quest for land with some other mercenaries looking for work melody used dispel magic and turned in from a horse to a human being as we tried to leave with him we were almost caught by the owner of the stable asking where the horse went we said we never saw horse that the door is just open we were just curious and looking he seemed to believe us and we took our new friend to get a hot meal he told us that his entire troop were killed by the witch while searching a tower they thought was abandoned. for some reason he was cursed. However, he decided to stay with us not really having a home and not being able to really understand how much time he had spent in that form.   We decided we were going to go talk to halfling first try to find out what was going on there and on our way there we saw a large crowd they were surrounding a small group that was holding a large cross wearing red clothes strapped to the cross is a horrific looking monster with a blubber face much like what Edgar had described melody told us that this group was known as the Crimson mantle.   We found that old halfling woman named Arimathea. she gave us a reading from the deck of fates. each reading was individual except for the final one however some things stood out to me the one of Hingles readings signified that enemies may be allies one of Tacitus readings were that those in darkness mean us harm, mine was that we were sent to search for knowledge and had a great opportunity to succeed but not to be too hasty it may be our downfall. Our group reading was discovery at the forefront of important changes closely tide with the gods. After the reading she told us that what was stolen was and or stone a vial of soil and a piece of Obsidian and various other metals. Tacitus seems to believe that they were to aid in demon summoning. She said it was more sentimental than anything, but we offered to try to help if we heard anything. We decided to stop by the Millers to see if we noticed anything and melody turned myself in her invisible. we did not see Danver the Miller acting strange according to us anyways, so we decided that we needed to investigate in a different way.

Entry 9 (session 17,18)

Our home was well established with all so many potential dangers around the area well out searching Grillia was captured by Ware folk and we decided to go try to get him back. when we got close a couple burst out of the forest running straight towards us. They were being chased by a pack of wereboars. immediately we rushed to their aid but as it turns out those two were werebears and we were fell upon by where Tigers, wererats, wereowls and eventually werewolves came to our aid. As it turns out where Wolves were the elves, we met Leah, Alilar and their children.   we had interrupted a meeting of the surrounding where folk call the Clark consolidation Katrina aware Tiger and the main council member stood in the centre of the fields glowing with energy whatever they had meant to speak about that day was overshadowed by our presence. The wereboar's wanted us dead for killing one of their own in defence of the where bear. We had wanted Grillia back which we found out was turned too aware boar. The vote was in our favor and we redeemed to just be using self defence, but we were not able to get Grillia back. They had told us the Grillia we knew was dead and when I tried to speak with grill yeah through sending to see if he wanted us to fight for him, he told us to leave that he would handle it. Walter is furious for leaving his friend behind but ultimately knew there was nothing that could be done.   Unfortunately, in the battle Tacitus was infected by aware Tiger named Anne, who unlike the boars would not force him to stay but did say that he was considered family now. As we headed back i tried to use remove curse. And although it did ease some pain, he was still inflicted it would take more time.   We decided to travel through the night risking exhaustion to get home where it was safe and when we arrived, we were informed we had a visitor it was a man by the name of the root of delirium who said I caused him some problems when I invoked that I was a part of the agent of the pact. Ultimately, he asked us to join forces with him he told us about a fiendish war between demons and Devils. He made a deal with the Devils that they would occupy high field but only there and not venture outwards but only when I invoked the agent of the pact did, he find out that they seem to be working with the purifiers somehow allowing them to leave and occupy more than Highfield. As we had similar goals, we decided to not trust him but align ourselves with him he asked us to go to Highfield to speak with a lady at a market Tavern he said he did not know her name, but she was dwarvish. She apparently had been working with him keeping an eye on the goings on of Highfield. He had many eyes there but one by one they have all gone quiet and he is worried she might be in danger. he told us to go to the Tavern and ask I have forgotten my tinderbox can you light my pipe to someone we thought might be her if it were her, she would respond that she found magic would be easier to which we should respond unless you forget the hand movements. While we were there investigating, he also wanted us to deal some damage and find out what happened to his minions. When I asked him about other mortal swords before the ones that we most recently new that defeated Ontar he said that there were four of them, the burning verdict, the final impact, the arcane desecration, and himself. he aided us in giving us some type of glass like disk that he called contact lenses to hide our aasimar eye coloring since we were going right into the Lions den. he also gave us three feathers that when we hold one and say Leo it will become a bird that will take a message to him. He and I both were able to remove the lycanthropy curse on Tacitus, so we were spent so we asked if we could in the evening once we slept for the day. The root of delirium agreed an in the evening teleported us near Highfield. We went directly to the Tavern and found the dwarvish woman melody she said she was not in trouble and didn't know that there were other people with the same employer in town, but she did tell us that there were strange break Inns rumors about strange creatures and that the Miller had been acting a little weird lately whatever that meant. She suggested that we go talk to a couple of workers at the stables that she said were gossips, we decided we would go in the morning.

Entry 8 ( session 14, 15,16)

We got a room at the dragon cellar for one week. Taking a much-needed break we decided to go to a bathhouse East of the docks shopping across the street from the bathhouse and visit the blacksmith. we found out that the purifiers use weight and as a shipping hub in a patrol comes on weekly. while at the dragon cellar we found some like minded people that call themselves the blessed circle. Grillia, Walter, Starky, and Parnell. Parnell was put on this path by Soton, Soton asks of him to disrupt purifiers and has given him a couple locations of some keeps dismantling one is up in the mountains an one is in the fields they decided on the mountains while we decided on the field. when they arrived there, they said it was empty so we told him to turn around and come back that we could use their help.   we decided that the best form of attack would be to disrupt one of their shipments going into the keep in the fields. We would ambush the delivery and bring it ourselves. Part one of the plan went off without a hitch but as we decided to rest and continue to morning we were then ambushed. Purifiers had found us an easily overpowered us all I knew is I had to get back to vivi which we left at a camp a little way away. I decided I popped out my wings slip the grasp of my captor and flew back as quickly as I could knowing full well that hingle Flynn and my brother were in danger. But I needed to protect Vivi she had no one else.   When I got back to her Starkey had a pocket dimension of some kind that she rescued us in. They agreed to stay with V well I went and tried to break the others out. they gave me a potion very generously considering they had not perfected the recipe to replicate it that would somehow allow me to say exactly what I needed to say to get my family out. We were attacked again but a Drown saved us. He also had a bone to pick with the purifiers but was not willing to go into the keep saving people that might already be dead. The blessed circle turned me invisible and got me close but getting out was on me.   As I snuck into the keep, I saw Minnie with Hingle getting a satchel of coins from the guards and then taking off free and clear. I was enraged by their treachery, but I needed to find my brother and Flynn. I found the tent where they were keeping my brother and an old guy in purifier robes was grilling Tacitus trying to get information out of him about where I've might be. He did not seem that concerned figuring my brother would be bait. when my brother was alone, I learned Flynn’s fate.   When the time was right, I drank the potion. it was such a surreal experience I had never felt anything like it before it was like I was outside of my own body watching it act of its own. I said that I was an agent of the pact and that the capture of Tacitus and Flynn was a disappointment and then I needed to let him and any other prisoners free immediately and be allowed to leave with our cart. Somehow that worked, they gave me Tacitus and sent me on my way.   With my family somewhat intact we headed for the abandoned keep in the mountains and had made the decision to fortify it develop it and call it our home in hopes that we would have a base to bring people who are also against the purifiers to.

Entry 7 (Session 9,10,11,12,13)

So much has happened, I think I will miss a lot. We went to Scatun, Flynn seemed to have connections there we booked a Tavern room for a week and we had overheard some people talking about the purifiers in a negative way period when we tried to interject into the conversation in hopes to find more people to join our ranks, we scared them off.   We were approached by an elf man named Isaac he said he overheard us talking to the other group. Isaac used to be a guard at this Scatun Purifer keep just someone wanting a paycheck, but he had his own bone to pick with them and new of a fortune that they had that he was looking for some able-bodied people to help him. It took some convincing, but we did decide to help knowing that we wanted to break in there anyways.   We found a hidden door and broken from the bottom up we found offices with various papers based on what we found Isaac seems to think that they were summoning something. We came across themselves and found in one a halfling by the name of mini evenwood near death. we broke her out healed her and she aided us in taking down the keep.   We found ourselves in a courtyard we're a bunch of suspected purifer guards were training unfortunately we couldn't talk her way out of this one so we fought. when it was finally over, and we could continue searching the premises we found it unsettling that despite all the carnage people in the kitchen were still cooking telling us to wait for supper and we found a dwarf supposed to be on watch sleeping. He draws a lot says that there are shapes in the darkness honestly, he seemed insane.   We made our way onto the roof and there was a tall man at a desk wearing a high-ranking uniform when he saw us, he seemed slightly surprised said Mournhell was supposed to deal with us already. at the mention of Mournhell name Tacitius in a rage killed him, and with the killing blow some type of demon or devil creatures were summoned. We were already so tapped from fighting our way through the keep we were no match for the demons dropping like flies when I dropped, I saw a vision of Opmus he said there is still much I needed to do I opened my eyes healing energy exploded from me healing all my friends. Once the creatures were killed, we found more notes that they were bringing in more soldiers for experiments and that nothing should lead back to the organization and that one experiment was successful.   Getting back to the room where we left Vivi and Kacaw there was a woman in the room reading to Vivi she said her name was Malcan. She told us that there are many groups that are against the purifiers as we are and to seek them out. She did not know their names just knew of their existence. I was very unsettled by this and told VB that she cannot just trust anyone just because they say they know us I gave her a code word Bramble pelt and told her if we are ever not with her and a stranger comes up to her that they must know this code word in order for her to trust them. We left for Waydon, not before getting into an almost tussle with some frat boys on horses racing through the town without a care for who they might hurt.

Entry 6 (Session 8)

Upon returning the children to their parents we had asked them if they potentially could keep Vivi for us for an extended period while they went back to the keep now that the dragon had been vanquished but they were strange about it and said that they could not.   We continued and we found the Hut in the swamp that we thought belonged to the druid that was mentioned. it turns out the druid that we expected to find was a hag and that hag was recently killed by a tall man now in the Hut. This man did not tell us his name, but he said he knew all and knew nothing we unfortunately met him too soon. he could help us with what we seeked if we could complete tasks to show us what he meant our first task was to feed five birds and get mushrooms.   We did this to test the situation and once we were satisfied, he said he allowed us all to ask questions for a task individually. My question was where were VVS parents being kept, my task to get such an answer would be that I needed to separate three children from the parents from for at least two weeks without their knowledge, meaning I basically had to kidnap three children this did not sit right with me. Hingle and my brother did not tell me what task they were given or what question they asked, and Flynn denied getting involved with such a deal

Entry 5 (Session 6&7)

While traveling we were attacked by a group of bandits which we dispatched they had insignias on their coats TNY. we took the insignias with us unsure of what they meant. We came across three elves, Fiven, Aylar and Leah, badly injured buy a blackjack dragon that attacked their home Raven glade keep. They had noticed that there was a glowing orb floating around the Dragons head at various times during the battle we thought that maybe based on the way the dragon was acting that he was obeying it.   They told us that their children Thane, and Caylan we're still there most likely hiding in the library Leo gave me a pendant that she had that matched the one her children wore to help me find them they also told us of a face spirit in the form of a Fox with three tails that would aid us in our quest to defeat the dragon, and also of a druid that lives in a swamp that might help as well as ruins in the norther part of the forest.   We came across the Fox who gifted us with magical weapons made of vines and twisted wood. Due to the difficulties of traveling the forest we were not able to make it to the druid or the ruins to seek help. We did not want to wait too long as the dragon was already injured from the fight with the elves. We found the children luckily, they were safe and we told him to keep hiding while we dispatched of the dragon. We attempted the stealthy route which quickly fell apart and we managed to kill it as it tried to flee out of the tower of Raven glade keep.

Entry 4 (Session 5)

Jhiras informed us that he has been hiding religious refugees of which Vivi (also known as 7 thunder cloud), the tabaxi child was one. The purifiers had taken her parents 18 wisps , and 7 eyes prisoner. They sold religious items and the purifiers seem to think that vivi's parents have a religious artifact in their possession or at least know where it is hidden.   As they had not gotten any headway with 18 wisps and 7 eyes they have been trying to capture Vivi in order to use her as leverage. He asked us if we could take her protect her and hide her since they had found out that she was in Newood. after exhausting options for better care considering the dangerous things we were getting ourselves into we did not find a better solution and decided to take her with us until things cooled down in Newood, or we found better placement for her.

Entry 3 (Session 4)

we found our way to Newood. And headed to missed splitters temple. For some reason as we were standing in line Tacitus tried to secretly do magic but when someone noticed Hingle made people think that he was a Messiah. This made us get questioned by jorah the high priestess of miss splitter and for the most part we told her everything. As miss splitter was the last openly worshipped God in Falonde we had to trust that she would not persecute us for our proclivities.   We ended up staying in the twin flagons and were approached by a white-haired man saying that he was attacked by werewolves. for more coin we decided to try to help him. Unfortunately, with the battle and the travel, I fell asleep during my watch but when I woke up, he was still chained in the sewers where we had brought him.   The next day we went to a fish market in the poor side of town we came across a group of purifiers attacking a young tabaxi child I cast calm motions but Even, so things escalated, with Tacitus’ help of course. a fish man by the name of Jaharis call to us from inside an abandoned house to hide from the guards approaching our fight with the purifiers. I scooped up the tabaxi child and ran for the door soon followed by my friends.

Entry 2 (Session 3)

Flynn went back and managed to bring papers to us. while in the forest we were attacked by spiders and stumbled across an abandoned baby owlbear that Hingle named Kacaw. Close to where we were a patrol of purifiers crossed our paths luckily my brother ever the charismatic deceiver pretended to be them. We continued to travel hoping to put some distance between them and us and found some huts that had abandoned food that looked like it was quickly left a storm came so we took refuge inside to sleep.   When we woke, we notice that there were some footprints around us that were not there before as if somebody came to our camp and searched her stuff. Flynn tried to speak with a mouse to inquire if he saw anything and the mouse said Nope. we had a watch that night so maybe whoever it was came in invisible. This made us nervous, so we continued our way and eventually heard some crunching and tearing and saw some insect creature eating a bear. We fought it, but not without a great physical cost that needed healing. We decided to head to Newood

Entry 1 (Session 1&2)

We have met some people with our same interests. Flynn, a halfling who’s sister was kidnapped by the purifiers much like we assumed they were going to do to us, and Hingle a strange gnome who had been lost in a cave for I do not even know how long.   It became increasingly obvious to us that we needed gold to accomplish anything. The most important thing that we needed was to forge some identity papers to allow us to travel without tipping off the purifiers of who and where we were lest they try to capture us again. We went to Dimore to meet with Twiggy, someone from Flynn’s past who could help us get papers.   The cost was high, 500 gold. He gave us an option to collect money from various debtors. 10% of which would go to what we would owe for the papers. It was very apparent as we made our way down the list that we all had bleeding hearts and found it hard to collect from people who just we are having a tough time and were cheated. One of these situations, it came to light that a man by the name of Delemak was in debt because of his neighbor Macknog, who gave him some false information about farming, particularly that it was a good thing for the soil to plant the same thing repeatedly.   We went to pee a visit to the albino half work and Hingle tried to cast suggestion on him to get him to give ask the money that he cost Delemak, but it did not work. We decided to go back that night to steal what was rightfully Delemaks, but somehow, he knew we were coming Tacitus and I tried to raid the barn and we were ambushed. locked into the barn by his minions and set aflame. we managed to escape and Hingle set his house on fire in retribution as we escaped to the Woods.


I feel as if what we are doing is important. Considering our nation's history of removing the facts of the past, I felt it also important to document it all. Writing this all-down may one day come back to bite us, implicating myself, my brother, and our friends in the path that we are about to take. I can only hope that my Journal never falls into the wrong hands, and should I fall, I hope that either the right person finds it or if it falls into the wrong hands, that that person has an illuminating experience reading my truth. THE truth.   My brother and I grew up in a secret religious camp around a long-forgotten shrine to Opmus located in the Northwest of Damor. Several families made up the camp, resigning to a life of secrecy and solitude to continue our devotional worship and protect the shrine at all costs. My brother and I, for what we assume was thanks for our family's devotion were born Angel touched. Aasimar, as our kind was once known. Assumed a gift from Opmus to one day be his agents in this world.   Religious persecution has increased over the years and had almost reached its apex when a group known as the purifiers learned of our camp and came in the dead of night to wipe us all out. It was our understanding that the purifiers were coming for us. We watched the life we knew, our friends, our family, our little brother, be slaughtered during our escape, lead by the infamous Catrain Mournhell.   We decided that night, no matter how long it took, or what cost, we would get our revenge and dismantle the charter of religious prosecution so that all those who still feel the warmth of the gods would be allowed to follow them in peace.   This is our story.