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Melody Aleheart

Melody Aleheart (a.k.a. Mel)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Busty, brawny, and beautiful.

Body Features

She's quite proud of her muscles, her hair, and her height (don't you dare call her short).

Facial Features

Deep blue eyes and gorgeous purple hair.

Identifying Characteristics

same as above.

Physical quirks

She's a dwarf, so she's short, but she will fight you if you even imply such a comment.

Special abilities

Performing (acting, dancing, singing, instrumentations, all of it).

Apparel & Accessories

Flashy, bright, and anything else that might help her stand out in a crowd.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It's complicated...

Gender Identity



Women are hot, men are not. Though she's open to most anything, given the right personality.


Very well educated in all things dwarven (weapons, geology, smithing, metal work, etc), and is a self taught musician.


Freelance performer, also currently "employed" by a mysterious friend whom she gathers information for.   (She's not a spy, why would you say that?)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Left home and hasn't returned, which is a success as far as her family goes. Has done well making a name for herself in haifield (even if it's not for performing).

Failures & Embarrassments

Her time in Falonde was not great... not something she likes to bring up very often.

Mental Trauma

She's the black sheep of her family, what else is there to say?

Intellectual Characteristics

Very street smart. She's been on her own for years and has learned how to survive and thrive in a world that doesn't tend to treat her with respect.

Personality Characteristics


Don't tell anyone, but she really enjoys making people smile. People can be way too serious...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great with people, both on stage and off. Horrible at talking about her issues (what issues, life is perfect!)

Likes & Dislikes

Adores the arts, people, and alcohol. Not a fan of censorship or bullying *cough* purifiers *cough*

Virtues & Personality perks

She sees the wrong and the horrible in the world and tries to make it better (in what small ways she can).   She makes sure people see her self confidence.

Vices & Personality flaws

A bit of a coward... not always good at standing up for what's right when other people are around.   She has very little confidence in herself.


Cleanliness is next to godliness. The bathtub was invented for a reason.


Contacts & Relations

Her current employer would probably be her closest relation at the moment. She doesn't tend to keep friends well...

Family Ties

None. She was cut off from her family when she left, and she has no intention of returning.

Religious Views

You do you. I don't believe in any of it, but I understand why other people might want to.

Social Aptitude

An extroverted social butterfly. She's that person at a party that somehow manages to become friends with everyone, yet no one remembers the next day.


Very outgoing and boisterous, she likes to draw attention to herself (when performing, anyway).


Fluid to her situation. She knows how to be assertive, and how to sit back and let others talk. No matter the situation, she is very good with words.

Wealth & Financial state

Average. She may not have a permanent residence of her own (She shifts from tavern to tavern around the city) but she can easily feed and clothe herself without worry.

A cocky but failing performer, with a bit of an attitude and a whole heap of good looks (or so she'd tell you).

Current Location
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60 years old
Current Residence
Deep Blue
All shades of Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Tan
Known Languages
Dwarvish, Common, Undercommon

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The Old Forest

Well, we’re in the forest.   And as a nice welcome, a group of bandits try to accost us and take our money. For my part, I did talk with them and see if they could be reasoned with, but I don’t think Tacitus is in the right frame of mind for such diplomacy. He attacked and killed several of the bandits, and our new friend Orianna killed another. I spoke with the remaining chap, and he said the only reason they attacked was because they were starving. They were also not fans of the purifiers, you see, and were now forced to run away to the forest and fend for themselves (which was evidently not going well). I let him go with a warning and hopefully he’ll choose his battles more carefully next time.   I’ll bet you we wouldn’t have killed them if Aretraya were here. She seemed to be the calm to Tacitus’s passion.   In any case, we continue on.   Now don’t laugh at what I’m about to tell you. Remember, we are desperate and very lost, so I did what was necessary. I sat down and spoke with a tree. Yes, a fucking tree. He was a bit of an abrassive chap, but he could be reasoned with. After negotiating a trade (with a tree... I can’t stress enough how insanely weird all this is to write, let alone actually do) we find out that the druid of this forest sees all, and only appears to those they deem worthy. How are we to be deemed worthy, you may ask. Well apparently we need to impress them with our good deeds or something. I don’t know... I’m still getting over the fact that I talked to a damn tree.   After we wander a bit farther, we decide to take a break by the river, and are found by a small pack of wolves. Fortunately Tacitus is able to speak with them (good lord how strange my life has become) and convince them that we’re not worth the trouble. I admit, I do feel a bit bad for them, they looked rather thin.   One problem at a time.   On our fourth night of camping in these woods, we run into a woman named Kalmny, who asks to share our fire for the night. I was a bit wary at first, but she seemed trustworthy enough, so we went along with it. To be honest, with the way she was dressed, I would have thought she was the druid we were searching for, but she made no such indications.   The next morning, at the tale end of my watch, I was dealing with some unfinished business with Hinckle (just a bit of booze in his rock water, nothing cruel) when I turn and suddenly... Kalmny is gone! There’s absolutely no way I was distracted enough to miss her standing up and leaving the area, and the magical horse Tacitus rides confirmed it by saying he saw no one leave my dome.   Perhaps she is the druid after all... but if that’s the case, why didn’t she help us when we told her our tale of woe?   We’re running out of time. I’m starting to think this was all a fools errand. Maybe we should have attacked the stronghold. Maybe we should have kidnapped Jura so she could use her magic and say that we forced her.   Maybe we shouldn’t have gone to the fucking spa in the first place.   Fuck. I’m so tired, Layla. And I’ve absolutely no idea where we go from here. I need an ale...   -Mel

A Not-So Warm Welcome

Layla,   Where did I leave off? I believe we were headed to Newood to try and save a friend’s life, yes? Right.   Well, Tacitus was able to make some sort of horse for himself (I’ve no idea how, I’ve never encountered that magic before, and now’s not the time to ask) while I polymorphed into a large eagle to carry myself and Hinckle as far as the spell would take us. Under any other circumstances, that being my first flight, I would have rather enjoyed the journey. Flying is something else, Layla. If I ever get back home, I’ll have to show you. It’s absolutely the most thrilling thing I’ve ever done (besides performing in Falonde, of course).   Unfortunately the spell only lasts an hour, so while we get ahead at first, Hinckle and I are then stuck on foot, so Tacitus rides ahead and we agree to meet him there. It takes the pair of a few days to walk the rest of the way (can’t say I enjoyed it very much, my feet are killing me), but it was entertaining at least. Hinckle is truly a wonder. You need to meet him, Layla. He is something that needs to be experienced first hand.   By the time we get to the city, though, Tacitus is meeting us on the road to tell us it’s a no-go. You’ll never guess why... the fucking Purifiers are here in Newood. That’s right, the last little sanctuary free from these assholes and their bullshit laws is now coming under their rule. Tacitus spoke with Jura, the high priestess of the temple here (I don’t know who the temple is to, deities are all alike to me) and found out that the Purifiers are controlling the supplies in and out of Newood, so the people here have to comply or basically starve. Fucking flamers... I don’t know how I never saw any of this while living in Haifield. Certainly can’t unsee it now.   Jura did say that if we could take down the Purifiers stronghold in Tacot (a town not too far from here), the people of Newood might be willing--and actually stand a chance--to fight back. Only problem is, I don’t think we can take down an entire stronghold all by ourselves. We’d need allies... many of them. And I don’t know where we’d get people like that. Tacitus said they have friends who could help back at their fort, but it would take too long to send word and get them out here (apparently there’s a 10 day limit on bringing people back from the dead, who’d have thought).   Jura also mentioned that there were powerful druids in the woods to the west, in a place called Sweewood. It’s possible that they could help, but we’d not only have to convince them to do so out of the goodness of their hearts, but also find them in the first place. You ever go searching for a druid in a forest? If they don’t want to be found, they won’t be. At least not by the likes of us.   Not that we have a whole lot of options...   We opt for the druid route. It’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s, but at least this course doesn’t end with us all dead. Into the woods it is.   Into the woods to get the thing that makes it worth the journeying. (See what I did there?)   -Mel   PS- on our way out of the city, we ran into a woman who was butting heads with some purifiers. I managed to distract them enough for her to get away, and low and behold we now have another travelling companion. She’s a bit abrasive, and extremely cocky, but the group seemed to take to her quite well, so she’s decided to accompany us on our mission. Here’s hoping she’s not another assassin, haha!   (That was a joke. Relax.)

A Knife in the Dark

‘Ello again, Layla. It’s been... a day.   This letter is going to be a bit of a trip, but I need you to not freak out, okay? I’m safe, I promise. For the moment anyway...   So. After all that’s happened the past few days, we decide the best course of action is to head to the spa: not only does is hold our best lead at the moment, but we also figure it’d be a nice chance to relax for a bit, get a spot of rest before we continue on this crazy course we’re on. Not to mention it should help us lay low after everything that happened in the alley.   It’s a nice place, the spa. I was even able to afford a private room and a massage, which isn’t something that comes about very often, so I was very happy with that. But after relaxing, it was time to get to work. I did what I do best (besides performing) and snooped around for information. The public bath was a bit of a bust, but the employee areas proved much more informative. According to a few staff, this Herrick Menden that we’re after has a bunch of properties in the “Craft Hall” and he’s most likely to be found in that area. They also happen to talk about the demons in the city and one of them mentioned that the sewers underground were most likely where the ugly buggers were coming from. An excellent lead, if I do say so myself. Not that it matters...   Had I been in my room when I was supposed to, I might have been able to help .   A bit high on my own accomplishment, I strut back to my room to tell my new mates what I’d found out, only see Leo and Hinckle in Aretreya’s room; apparently she’d disappeared without a trace after Leo heard her scream for help. Tabitha--the employee who had been attending to us--said she heard the scream too and came to investigate, but found the room empty.   I don’t have to tell you, I very much did not trust Tabitha. But if she was lying--which I soon found out she was--she was damn good.   After searching the room and finding nothing, Hinckle, the genius little weirdo, cast a spell on Tabitha that forced her to show us where ‘Treya was (if she knew). Low and behold, the bitch flipped up a table to reveal Aretreya floating in the bathtub.   I don’t really remember what happened next. I remember Leo screaming and attacking, followed by Hinckle, and then I think I also shot some magic at the dumb bitch. In fact... now that I think of it... I think I may have killed her. Or at least knocked her out hard. It was all just a blur of anger and panic.   Not dissimilar to what happened with Auntie Hilde. Though this time I actually did something... You know, if we ever get a chance breathe, I might need to spend some time digesting that one. No time for it now. Anyway. As you can guess, Aretreya didn’t make it. I did try a healing spell once we finally got to her, but it was too late. It looked like she’d been stabbed and then chucked in the tub to drown. My bet is that the Maiden of Hell sent this assassin after the siblings. She’d seen them in the town square earlier this week, and then with everything that happened in the alley, I’m sure she’s smart enough to put two and two together. But I’ve no evidence to support that, and even if I did, it’s not like she’d get thrown in prison for it.   After a few moments, I finally suggest we get out of there so as not to draw even more attention to ourselves. My magics once again come in handy, and we sneak out back to our tavern beds to regroup.   Now, I know I’m no good at emotional shit, but is it really possible to know what to say to someone who just lost the last bit of their family they had left? Leo--Tacitus--is now completely alone. I can’t even imagine what that would be like.   Fortunately, I didn’t need to come up with anything clever, because apparently Tacitus is not giving up. He says he knows of a temple in Newood that might be able to save his sister’s life. I’ve only ever heard of that kind of magic from auntie Hilde, but I’m hoping it’s not all fluff and bluster. I have to hope. I really liked Aretreya...   Had circumstances been different, I could have seen myself falling for her.   Ugh. Getting too sentimental. Burn this letter too.   -Mel

Shadows of the Past

I’m continuing on the last letter because there’s no point sending you two about one day. Even though this day has been a doozy.   So we finished with failing at the Mill and went back into the city to regroup, when low and behold the missing Purifiers come waltzing in on their horses. They haven’t had as much of a presence in the city recently, and I guess that’s because they’ve been gone. Where, I have no idea, but they came trotting back into town like conquering heroes, so I assume they were off on some sort of official mission or something. And the Maiden of Hell herself led them (that’s my new official nickname for miss Catrain after learning what she’d done... more on that later). My new friends are extremely twitching around her, and I can’t say I blame them. I’ve never met the woman in person, but just being in her presence is intimidating. I’d say the rumours about her definitely hold up... you do not want to cross her.   Bleh. Anyway. We start searching the city for the old seer’s lost items and come across a house that has obsidian in it. I sneak in, find out what it is (an old man’s pipe, not what we’re looking for) and sneak out without any trouble. I tell you, Layla, I think I'm better at this adventuring stuff than we thought. Apparently I’d make a damn good thief. Or a spy. And it wouldn't be that much of a career change, based on what I've seen. Plus I’d be reaaaally pissing mom and dad off, and that's worth all the trouble, in'it?   That was a joke. Don’t roll your eyes (I know you are).   In any case, we don’t find what we’re looking for so we decide that the whole day has been a bust, and we may as well settle down with an ale. Upon arriving back at my favourite tavern, we find someone there waiting for my companions. He’s some sort of mage or hag or something (I’m not entirely sure, there was a lot of information being thrown about), and he has to talk with these people one at a time. Apparently my new friends have been taking tasks from him in return for information. Odd time for him to show up, but I’m not going to kick up a fuss. Especially since his arrival gave me time to speak with these guys about what the seer had said.   Now Layla, I’m going to write down what I found out from these people, but only because I need someone to tell, someone to talk it out with to make sure I’m not being naive and getting involved with things above my skill level. And because I know for absolute certainty that you will NOT tell anyone ANY of these details. Ever. I may even rip this part of the letter off, I just need to write it out for my own sanity.   These people are not who they appear to be. The two siblings are called Aratraya and Tascetus, and they are creatures known as “Aesimar”, or “blessed” ones or something. It has something to do with their deity. Yes, that’s right, deity. Now you see why it’s important to keep this secret. Apparently the purifiers found out about their village and how they worshipped and came and burned it all down, killing the sibling’s family. Heading the charge was, of course, Catrain (hence the nickname). Obviously these two managed to escape, but they’ve been on a revenge mission ever since. They’ve been wandering across the continent, helping others who are likewise hiding from the purifiers. They’re here in the city because someone called the “Root of Delirium” sent them to investigate whether the purifiers were summoning demons, and if they are, to stop them (same guy who happens to be my employer, as it turns out).   Yeah... it’s a lot. See why I needed to talk this out? I think—and I am loath to say this—I think I may be in over my head on this one. I want to help... I actually want to help. The more I learn about these flamers the more I want to get involved to get them out of the city... and the more terrified of them I become. They aren’t just powerful, they are cruel. And getting involved with them is clearly dangerous. But I don’t like the idea of sitting by and doing nothing either.   Ah, don’t worry Layla. I talk a big talk, but we both know I’m far too much of a coward to do anything brash. I’ll stick it out with these guys for a while, if nothing else to see what they’re going to do next, but when things get intense, I’ll take my leave.   Do me a favour and burn this letter, will you? Even if I tore off the important bits, best not to leave any evidence. Just in case.   -Mel   PS- Remember Hinckle? The crazy gnome I was telling you about? Apparently he was stuck in a hole in the ground for a while. Like a looong while. And survived. ...yeah. Right? I told you he was fascinating! And there may have been a brother stuck there with him? Possibly? Honestly, I can't wait to hear more about this guy. He is by far the most interesting adventurer I've met. Aesimars included.

Curses and Crimes

Layla,   A new day a new letter. And I gotta tell ya, today wasn't boring.   We started with Tad and Edgar down at the stables (I’ve told you ‘bout them before, they’re harmless gossips) and they told us a few interesting bits of information: a theft that happened at the Seers Parlour, a beast with a—and I quote—“blubbery face” that was storming the market the other night, and a sincere change in behaviour by a man called Herick Menden who was known to frequent the bathhouse most nights. Admittedly, it’s all stuff I wouldn't bat an eyelash at most days (except maybe the theft because there ain’t usually much of that in this area) but there’s been too much of these random happenings going on that I’m definitely invested in figuring out if there’s one thing behind it all, or many.   My travelling friends decided it was best to start with the Seer, but as we’re about to head out of the stables, the tall one (Leo, the brother) starts talking to a horse that’s losing it’s mind in the corner. No seriously... he talked to it. That’s not a euphemism or a simile, he literally talked to it. And apparently this horse wasn’t a horse. It was a man that had been turned into a horse by a witch or a hag or something. I’ll admit, I was little distracted trying to figure out what in the hell was going on to pay attention to what Leo was saying. In any case, I played along and cast a little dispel magic on the beast... and wouldn’t you know it, where once there was a horse a man now stood! I could hardly believe it myself! His name is Wek, and apparently he’s going to be following us around for a bit.   Curious.   After that bit of crazy we head down to the Seer. She’s a creepy old bat, but she seemed kind enough. On our way there we came across the Crimson Mantle crossing through the city with a dead beast in tow. I’m assuming it’s the same beast Edgar and Tad had described, but that doesn't mean it was the only one, so best to keep eyes out just in case. Anyway, my companions decide to get a reading from the the old lady, and I gotta say, it was quite an interesting performance. I can’t say I believe everything she said (mainly because everything she said was vague and insane) but it definitely affected the travellers. Which means they believe her. Which means we need to have a talk because they’re clearly involved in crazier shit than I signed up for. That’ll have to wait till later, it’s more a behind closed doors conversation.   With readings done we get back to investigating, and discover the old lady had a few items taken from her. They were nothing extravagant or expensive, which was the odd bit. But they were definitely things one could use in a spell... I think you can see where this is going. We may be getting on to something here.   Unfortunately none of this gave us any further leads, so we decide to go on to the next tidbit of oddities in our collection and check up on the miller (apparently he’s been acting strange of late). But being that I know nothing of his regular behaviour, I couldn’t really tell the difference, which made our invisible fact-finding mission a resounding failure.   I think it’s time to get a drink. It’s already been a long day, and the sun hasn’t set yet.   Talk soon.   -Mel

An Unexpected Party

Layla,   I promised you I would send letters when things started happening in the city, and believe me... things are happening. Not the sort of things I was hoping would happen, but still things... so... you know, I promised.   Now it’s a lot, and it’s still ongoing, so I’m going to send these letters in a big bunch later on instead of one at a time (that should keep mom and dad from being suspicious), but promise me you won’t freak out until the end.   I feel I should also preface this by saying, it has nothing to do with my performing. I know, I know, I know what you’re going to say, so let’s just assume I’ve taken my chastisement and you can read this knowing I understand what you’re thinking.   Okay.   So I can’t remember what I’ve told you of life here in the city recently, but as you know, I’ve been finding a bit of success in gathering and shuffling along information to particular people. Nothing too exciting, just listening for gossip and passing it along, basically. At least, until yesterday. I was told by my employer that a group of “friends” were going to come into town—no information as to why or who—and that I was to meet them and exchange some information. Little did I know, they were sent to check up on me; apparently my employer thinks I might be in a spot of trouble because his other contacts have been disappearing of late (let’s once again assume I know what you’re going to say here and skip the lecture, I’m clearly well enough to write to you).   Anyways, these guys stroll up looking like a band of travelling circus freaks—you know the type, all with crazy armour and outfits and weapons, and eyes that say they’ve seen some shit—and they introduce themselves as follows: the woman was named Marygold, her brother was named Leo, and their crazy looking gnomish friend called himself Hinckle. And also Histicks (he’s a fascinating fellow, Layla, there will be much more on him later, I’m sure). They seem normal enough, or at least as normal as adventurers get, so we sit and have a chat. Fortunately for me they’re not the types to ask a lot of personal questions, so I didn’t have to go into much detail about myself, but they certainly were interested in the town. See, there’s been a lot going on around here lately, what with the purifiers not being around as much, and crime rising as a result, not to mention sightings of terrible beasts in the streets, it’s been a lot lately. And they wanted to know about all of it.   In order to talk more freely, we retired to their nice big room to speak. Now I know you’re no snitch, so I have no problem writing this here, but between you and me these people are the purifiers biggest fans. Don’t know why, they just don’t seem interested in drinking the lemonade like most folks ‘round here. So we got along a lot better than I was expecting (I don’t hate the purifiers, I just don’t get ‘em. Their way of doing things doesn’t make much sense to me).   We’ve decided to call it a night and regroup tomorrow to follow some leads. I gotta say, while I ain’t trying to stir up trouble, I am definitely excited to see where all this leads. It’s been way too long since I really had some fun around here.   Don’t worry, I won’t get in too deep. If there’s one thing we both know I’m good at, it’s saving my own skin.   I’ll write you again tomorrow, I’m sure.   -Mel   Ps- This goes without saying, but I feel I need to be clear... don’t tell mom and dad. Any of this. If they ask, I’m writing you to brag about my musical success here in Haifield. Got it? I’m serious, Layla. Not a word.


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