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The overthrowing of Mightguard

A long time ago, but not too long ago that the effects aren't still felt. The kingdom of Ludum was ruled over by King and Queen Mightguard, they were wicked people, naming the capital after themselves and plunging the people of the Kingdom into despair. They hoarded wealth, pushed the people to work till they couldn't any more, and any who were even suspected of going against them were punished. Many were locked in the dungeons, executed or turned into beasts by the Royal's magical court. They gained power through corruption, making deals with all sorts of demons and witches, and stole all magical items they could to stop anyone they disapproved of gaining access to the arcane arts.   Just outside their perfect grand city at a small viiage called Castlewell, made up of mostly farmers and humble folks. The King and Queen didn't care for Castlewell much, but the land it was one was the perfect spot for their friend, an Earl, to build his new estate. So they decreed that Castlewell was to be flattened and any who lived there should be thankful as they would get the chance to work for the Earl.   Without any other choice, the people of Castlewell played along. Accepting that their homes would soon be destroyed, and they would be put into servitude. While this was being prepared and planned, though, the local tailor and blacksmith kept working away.    "Please pay us no mind," They'd tell guards "When you take this place down we'll move, but we're trying to make some gowns for the Queen and jewels for the King while we still can" They'd plead.   The guards would let them work, thinking the two were going to use these to beg for better places within their new prison. The tailor and the blacksmith worked long hours, far into the night, as more of their homes were toppled and some of their friends were locked up for trying to speak out. In time, their work was done.   They weren't the prettiest, or the strongest, but the Tailor had made wizard hats and robes, enough to fit out half the town so that they may cast magic to fight back against the guards. The blacksmith had made the sharpest swords they could, seeking blessings from the fairies in the woods so they would look dull and not be noticed, he'd made enough to fit out the other half of the Village.   Handing these out, the Villagers began to revolt, fighting back against those who worked for the King and Queen. They quickly freed little Castlewell and stormed into the City of Mightguard, using their magic to free those locked up and as much as they could to help anyone who wished to fight with them. Most of the City watch fled, not being paid near enough to stick around, as did many of the castle guards when the mob made their way to its gates.     The King fled with his guards, sneaking away before anyone could catch him and ring him to justice, muttering curses with his advisors under his breath the whole while. The Queen was found in the throne room, screeching for her guards to come and arrest the peasants who'd broken in. She was soon shackled and dragged to the dungeon, cursing them all from her cell.   The Blacksmith and Tailor were heroes! They were soon asked to take over as the new Royalty, to which they reused at first, but after years of asking they eventually gave in.    "Just until things calm down." They'd told each other, which it never did.   The new King and Queen of Mightguard ruled for many many years and had a beautiful daughter who they named Cecila, who still rules over the Kingdom to this day.

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