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Standard Housing Prices

Below are the standard prices of housing and land.

Built & Unfurnished

Property Rate Average Square Footage Average Cost
Poor 1 gp / sq ft 1,000 sq ft 1,000 gp
Modest 2 gp / sq ft 2,000 sq ft 4,000 gp
Comfortable 3 gp / sq ft 4,000 sq ft 12,000 gp
Wealthy 4 gp / sq ft 6,000 sq ft 24,000 gp
Aristocratic 5 gp / sq ft 8,000 sq ft 40,000 gp

Plots of Land

Property Rate Average Square Footage Average Cost
Poor 2 sp / sq ft 1,000 sq ft 200 gp
Modest 3 sp / sq ft 2,000 sq ft 600 gp
Comfortable 4 sp / sq ft 4,000 sq ft 1,600 gp
Wealthy 5 sp / sq ft 6,000 sq ft 3,000 gp
Aristocratic 6 sp / sq ft 8,000 sq ft 4,800 gp

Maintenance Costs

Property Total Cost per Day Skilled Hirelings Untrained Hirelings
Poor 5 sp - 1
Modest 2 gp 1 -
Comfortable 3 gp 1 2
Wealthy 6 gp 2 8
Aristocratic 10 gp 3 15
Guide, Generic

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