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Adam Watchmaker (Mordenkainen)

Adam Watchmaker (Mordenkainen) (a.k.a. Young Mordenkainen)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Male Height 6 foot lean but still muscular Eyes: green

Body Features

A good amount of different scars on his body, more than most people, though many of them look old like they have healed for many years. A sleek but surprisingly healthy body.

Facial Features

A good jawline, and generally charming face.

Identifying Characteristics

No armor, nice suit.

Special abilities

Portent magical ability,Summoning circles,Willpower.

Apparel & Accessories

he is wearing dark leather boots without heel. He is wearing one snake skin glove and one normal leather glove, one of the gloves
Wears Charms sunglasses that are pink and round Has a Dreadwood wand, it's dark exterior speaks of untold potential. Has a cold steel like ring

Specialized Equipment

2x infused psychic papers, able to recreate official papers in a very short notice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adam was born in the dystopian town of stelmond. Where he was taught by his dad how to make watches, sadly this did not work out great for either of them, and eventually Adam had to leave Stelmond for personal reasons.

Gender Identity



Heterosexual, has a liking for some specific types.


Stelmond public school, illegal self study. Legal study in Monrett under the watchfull eye of Gerald Marvolo. Has extensive knowlegde of the Arcane, and is most proficient in history


No current employment. Raids ancient tombs for knowledge

Accomplishments & Achievements

Broke time, time traveled without dying. Contacted a Devil just a tad bit too strong. Levitated a shit ton of friends to safety. Killed Vampires Studied with the mighty BIGBY himself Managed to not become enemies with Gerald Marvolo despite the rest of the party annoying him to an extreme extent Managed to Steal an ancient artifact from said Marvolo Managed to nick the inferiors wizards shit Mastered intermediate magics Did not go to war and instead had a grand time studying his favorite subjects Speaks a ton of languages

Failures & Embarrassments

Got jailed for a long time for something he truly didn't do, gave instructions on avoiding said scenario but not clear enough Had his girlfriend stolen by an inferior wizard edit: SHE IS BACK Blew up some of an eternal train just to see what would happen. Edit: The train is in fact eternal and rebuilt itself some how Is extremely poor at expressing his feelings for others.

Mental Trauma

Saw all of his friends killed, more than once. Possibly so much trauma that it doesn't really matter much to him anymore. Mild paranoia edit: it was reasonable

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Utilitarian

Morality & Philosophy

Strong beliver that people should have access to magic, even though not all may use it for good. Believes that his group is the only group that can save the world. Belives himself to be critical to the world


Anti taboo Doesnt like when people make deals with otherworldy beings, if they dont know what they are doing.

Personality Characteristics


To become the ultimate wizard, and achive true mastery over the universe

Likes & Dislikes

Loves coffee, music and new spells Hates uppity places Loves magic and the abilities it gives Loves reading about the world Likes to try new things

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick reader Skilled at gaining infomation Good notetaker

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a chemical fascination Is the biggest Charlatan on this side of Fari'Ai Skilled at gaining infomation


Tries to keep well shaven and shower regularly. Has devolped his own magical means of having a shower anywhere anytime. Compared to 99% of other adventurers


Contacts & Relations

Has really bad relations with all of Varlhord Has some friends that care for him

Family Ties

His uncle is Mordenkainen himself

Religious Views

Is sure that gods exist but hate them. Would rather make his own plane to live in.


Tends to chainsmoke goes on long wizard rants

Hobbies & Pets

Has a familiar Hawk


Has an accent that doesn't really work for him. Probably because he used to change his accent up all the time to throw people of his scent.

Wealth & Financial state

Adam uses most of his wealth to fund experiments or buy more knowlegde

Cunning Conman, Dangerously Dashing.

View Character Profile
Current Residence
Dirty blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
6 feet
72 kilos
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Primordial, Infernal- Can cast comprehend languages


Despite my magically enhanced, I learned long ago that a mind can be overtaken and data can be stolen from it. I have no illusions that someone withing the group or in the Marvolo family wouldnt rack my brain for infomation without me knowing about it. If it suited their self-interests. Keep your friends closer and you enemies even closer, and maybe i will. And so I began... to learn whatever humanity can be saved from itself, and the role i will play in its uncertain destiny.   I thought I might let lose for a while, my thoughts has been scattered recently, and nothing like letting lose will reset my thought processes back to baseline. Hopefully this can steel my mind for the upcoming weeks. It's not going to be easy

Thoughts and Aspirations

So it was we came to fight but were only bashed down a notch, I can't believe Vulpes had had gotten that far. Many days I have spent thinking about the complex relationship between him me and Lavender. I feared interfering in the politics of that relationship might bring her great harm, as the balance of such things can be quite fickle, it's difficult to predict what kind of effect it might have if i were to burst into that. I also spent many nights thinking about what might happen if she was anywhere near me, whatever I like it or not I am one of the most dangerous persons to be near in this world. I don't have many enemies as such but there is still plenty of people looking for a way to hurt me, and by extension then her. I do not expect her to understand why I could be so cold to her. Out here however, with the new infomation I have found, things are able to change Vulpes is not really there anymore and his expedition is a perfect excuse to officially declare him dead. I am certain Lavender does not want anything to do with him and it is understandable. Sadly I am so busy trying to save what I can, I see that Gerald is much more liable to help us, I think informing him and using his network could greatly enhance our effectiveness in saving the world, and even though we might have different goals it is also his world and it is in his best interest to keep it alive. There is not much to rule in a dead kingdom, then again we don't really know what he wants but it is not a material plane ruled by an ooze lord, if he had wanted to destroy the world I'm sure he would have with all his contacts and influence. Influencing the group to go take out bigger targets is the first step to using their tremendous power in a better way, their ethical reasoning and carefulness is questionable but directed to the right targets their destructive power in a way that might make the entire difference.

Too many

Too many lives has been lost, it’s not their fault for being dragged into this. They don’t know who actually was at fault for destroying their symbol, and they needed someone to blame, that’s why they chose me and my brothers. We are easy targets and the peoples rage needed to be diverted somewhere. I understand them, I can see where they are coming from, it’s very easy to blame the charlatan, the wizard, the one who toys with magics that he doesn't understand. I hope no one else was in that tower, and i don’t understand why they would but the ball in the bag as i instructed them not to do. All they had to do was to listen. I would have been in the ball for a very very long time maybe, but at least the monument to their greatest saviour would still be there, the mind easily buckles under pressure, but i expected more of them, i’m greatly disappointed, in how they handled the artifact without me. I know Vulpes knew the risks of playing around with a toy of that power, yet still he didn't stop them. So many weeks in that cell just looking at nothing, and I only really missed my friends, just being around them talking, laughing about dumb jokes. Riding at the speed of sound through the forest, that’s what i thought about, and that damn rat. I thought a lot about that fat rat running up the stairs, truly a memory that could steel my mind against the coming future. Just huffing and puffing all the way up the stairs, i like that rat.

In the End

I’m lying in my bed, a long life behind me, of much redemption and saving of the world, i’m old, older than ever before. Around me are all of my friends, in this time we all become good friends. Illian, Vulpes, Baqara even Giest is there too, the world is saved once and for all. I rest my eyes, i feel my everything fade, in a way i’m quite familiar with. As I open my eyes, i’m standing in a beautiful sunny place, and there is a small wizard house on an island, expertly crafted, big enough to house a small family and out of the house comes Valok, then my Dad, everyone is there. I just stare, not in a dumbfounded way, I.. I just stare. I can’t not look at them. Valok says “You lived so much longer than i expected you to”. “I know, I’m sorry i made you wait” I walk towards them.   “I tried to make you proud”, My dad pipes up “I’m sure you did”, “I don’t want to rush it Adam, ive waited for this for a very long time.” “And we got all sorts of time” we walk together into the house as a start my story “Well it all started when i meet the most good hearted man ive ever met and the biggest softest minotaur” Valok laughs as the door closes behind me. My vision changes it zooms out, as I see the island, for the last time.