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  Isphion (pronounced Is-fee-on) is the goddess of violence, and older sister to Oladin the goddess of war and torture. Like her sister, worship of Isphion is outlawed, although there are very few records of any cults that have ever existed for her. Very little is known about Isphion, as she tends to stay to the shadows and rarely if ever shows herself to her sparse worshipers. Most that is known comes from her sister and her followers. For an unknown reason Oladin despises Isphion and speaks of her with a contempt rarely hear on this world. Like her sister she is known to have pale hair, and four horns sprouting from her head. She also reportedly bears the same blood-like markings around her eyes, and glowing red eyes. The main difference in their appearances are that Isphion's horns are ivory colored, and her hair is jet black. Of all the major gods, she alone remains largely an enigma. So much so, that certain, more raidcal academics are beginning to worship her in an effort to learn more.

Divine Domains

No cleric of Isphion exists on record, but it is theorized that War, Death, and Grave would be common domains for her clerics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

While debated, the general consensus is that animal skulls are used as a symbol for Isphion. The only skull that is excluded in this is the raven.


Family Ties

Her sister, Oladin, is the goddess of war and torture
Piercing red eyes
Long jet black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin
5' 8"
110 lbs

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