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  Norcyne the god of Misfortune. He is widely regarded as one of the least popular gods in all of Fárïne. Worshipers of Norcyne are very reclusive, yet always manage to appear near imminent tragedies. Unlike all of the other gods, he does not have a humanoid form. It is said that he resided in the woods that ring the White Mountains to the north of Khalix. It is said that hidden there is a clearing where all manner of disfigured animals make there home. In the center of that clearing is a tangle of branches that is the physical body of Norcyne. The tangled branches of his unblinking eyes etched with ancient runes. No one knows what the runes say or even what language they are in. Legend has it that if you attempt to read the runes a spell is cast on you, causing you to be polymorphed and join his merry band of misfit animals.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Norcyne often belong to the Trickery or Fate domains

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are no known symbols that worshipers of Norcyne use. Although and sort of disfigurment or physical malady is genreally thought to be a sign of his work.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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